General Anatomy Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyDuring a cataplectic attack a person is unconscious is overcome by muscular paralysis tries to act out dreams Sual

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich of the following images 1 4 correctly shows the wind direction for location A High 1020 1016 High 1020 1016 3 High 1020 1016 AZ High 1020 1016 4

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomysynapse O Neurotransmitter binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane O Calcium diffuses into an axon bulb Chemically gated channels for sodium open O Neurotransmitter is released into the synaptic cleft Action potential arrives at an axon bulb Question 15 Which lobe of the cerebral cortex is responsible for speech and conscious thought O parietal corpus callosum occipital frontal 0 5 p

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyAccording to the author of Ordinary People fear of and intimidation by the Nazis All of these answers are correct Oended the Holocaust Oled many to resist the policies of the Nazi Party prevented many from standing up against the perfecution

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyHow did Milgram select people for his experiment He targeted a specific group of people for his experiment and called them O He ran an ad in a newspaper looking for participants O None of these answers is correct He forced people to join his experiment

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy10 During the Northern Hemisphere s summer the daylight hours in polar latitudes are longer than in middle latitudes Explain why polar latitudes are not warmer 1

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy1 What is the relationship between the average speed of air molecules and air temperature

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyOligodendrocytes serve the same purpose in the CNS that satellite cells do in the PNS True or False True False

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyA molecule can be part of 1 calcium 2 an organelle 3 potassium 4 oxygen 5 anion Question 4 A neuro hormone is secreted from an axon term 1 endocrine and long distance signal 2 endocrine and local signal

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy5 Was there any instance in your life when conflict actually brought you closer to the other person What do you think contributed to that outcome

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyO Whether silencing or activating a gene is beneficial or harmful for the body depends on a what the gene does b which nutrient is involved Oc the age of the person Od the amount of kcalories consumed e which area of the gene is involved

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyIndicate whether the following are TRUE or FALSE in regards to how the retina communicates the presence of light to the brain A The Receptors release of neurotransmitter is greater in dim light than in bright light Select B When the Dark Current is active Na gates in the Receptors tend to be open Select C When Na exits the Receptor this opens the Ca gates so calcium can enter that cell Select D The Dark Current is an all or nothing rather than a graded process Select E When they fire the Bipolars tend to excite the Ganglions cells Select F Horizontal cells influence the relationship between Bipolars and the Ganglions Select G The Bipolars release the least neurotransmitter when the Dark Current most active Select H When the Dark Current is most active the Ganglion cells are most likely to fire Select 1 Amacrine cells influence the relationship between the Receptor cells and the Ganglions

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyComplete the labeling activity Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets Dermal papillae Epidermis Stratum corneum Sweat gland Hypodermis Sensory neurons Dermis Stratum basale Sweat pore 000000 th C

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyReferring to the results table from the BP and Arm Position Video why do you think we got the blood pressure measurement recorded when the arm is below the heart Because when lowering the arm below the level of the heart we are working with gravity and will have a higher than normal blood pressure reading O None above the above are correct Gravity does not play a role Because when lowering the arm below the level of the heart we are working with gravity and will have a lower than normal blood pressure reading Because when lowering the arm below the level of the heart we are working against gravity and will have a higher than normal blood pressure reading O Because when lowering the arm below the level of the heart we are working against gravity and will have a lower than normal blood pressure reading

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyScientists believe that creative and novel ideas are more likely to flourish during which state of sleep NREM sleep OREM sleep O stage 3 or 4 sleep slow wave sleep

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich of the following is incorrect about active transport O Osmosis is a form of active transport because it requires ATP The sodium potassium pump participates in primary active transport Secondary active transport moves one molecule against its concentration gradient and another solute with its concentration gra Phagocytosis or cell eating requires energy

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhy are tonsils aggregated lymphoid nodules considered tissues and not organs What would need to be included added to the tonsils to make them organs You have a flu and your mom palpates right under your jaw your lingual tonsils and says your glands are swollen What is actually happening from an A P perspective

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyC Match the medical term in Column I with its meaning in Column II Column I 1 salpingectomy 2 mammography 3 vaginitis 4 colposcopy 5 hysterectomy 6 cervical 7 endometrium 8 mastitis Column II A Visual examination of the vagina B Pertaining to the lower neck like regio the uterus C Inflammation of the breast D Removal of a fallopian tube E Inner lining of the uterus F X ray imaging of the breast G Resection of the uterus H Inflammation CU

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyB Match the combining form in Column I with its meaning in Colum Column I 1 oophor o 2 colp o 3 salping o 4 hyster o 5 cervic o 6 mast o Column II TEM A Uterus B Fallopian tube C Neck of the uterus D Ovary E Vagina F Breast

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyIn which room is there most likely a bed Oel ba o O el dormitorio

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhat is the chief function of the device in the picture OMRON GOumart 17258 12 03 SET MEMO MODE To measure how long you exercise To record the number of steps you take

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 20 3 points Listen Descending tracts are found within the impulses the brain Gray toward White toward Gray away from White away from Previous Page Next Page matter of the spinal cord and carry 47 Page 4 of 7

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyListen Which neurotransmitter regulates the sensation of pain GABA Substance P Acetylcholine Glutamate Question 27 3 points Listen For a very short period following the passage of a nerve impulse a new stimulus will not trigger another impulse which is called the period Resting

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 44 Points 3 What does the following sentence from the essay Federalist No 21 Other Defects of the Present Confederation by Hamilton depict The attempt therefore to regulate the contributions of the members of a confederacy by any such rule cannot fail to be productive of glaring inequality and extreme oppression False claim Indicates a claim O Evidence for the counterclaim None of the choices

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 47 Points 3 Read the following lines from the essay An account of the proceedings on the trial of Susan Anthony on the charge of illegal voting at the presidential election in Nov 1872 and answer the question Those engaged in the movement are able sincere and earnest women and they will not be silenced by such ridicule nor even by the villainous caricatures of Nast On the contrary they justly place all those things to the account of the wrongs which they think their sex has suffere For which of the following is the transition phrase on the contrary used To show that women are meek O To highlight how the women react O To emphasize what happen

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomylate 10 View N Free Text to Speech Watch Friends Sea What are the visible characteristics of ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium Select all that apply View Available Hint s Submit Each cell has a uniform height yet the nuclei fall in multiple different planes O Each cell within the pseudostratified tissue can be clearly seen touching the basement membrane Goblet cells are columnar cells that can be seen interspersed within the tissue The nuclei are found in multiple planes giving the illusion of multiple cell layers Cilia project from the apical surface into the lumen

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 1 What is this substance called HCO O carbon dioxide bicarbonate O carbonic acid carbonic anhydrase

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 1 Points 1 Where was Dimmesdale s Scarlet letter embroidered On the robes Over the heart On the Bible On the hat

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyO a scene that occurs during the falling action of a story O a scene set later in time than the rest of the action in a story O a scene that occurs at the climax of action in a story O a scene set in an earlier time th

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 2 Points 2 Choose the correct answer Imagine you are writing an argumentative essay on the negative effects of high fructose corn syrup By including a quote from a doctor presenting statistical information on the connection between corn syrup and weight gain you could appeal to readers ethos and logos Opathos and logos

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 1 Points 1 Read the following and answer the question that follows Railroads are required to equip their locomotives with spark arresters They also are obliged to keep their rights of way free of material which burns readily Spark arresters are required also on logging engines Identify the domain specific word used in the passage O Railroads O Locomotives

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 3 Points 3 Read the following and answer the question that follows This curious condition gave the animal a very unkempt and seedy appearance the effect of which was heightened by the long shaggy locks of old weather beaten hair which clung to the new coat of the neck and shoulders like tattered signals of distress ready to be blown away by the first gust of wind Which of the two has the writer used to describe the animal O Metaphor and analogy

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyRead the following and answer the question that follows He described in his memoirs how the radiance at night would stop the crowd on the boulevard And it drew customers into Nadar s studio like moths to light Identify the figurative language used in And it drew customers into Nadar s studio like moths to light O Metaphor Simile Analogy

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 10 Points 1 What is the significance of the quotation taken from the following passage taken from the essay Petrarch s Plague In October 1372 he wrote a letter to his physician friend Dondi consoling him on sickness and deaths in your family O It shows how everyone regardless of class and caste was affected by the Plague O it shows his distaste towards physicians The plague didn t affect the families of doctors

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhat is the significance of the following quotation taken from the essay The Curious World of Issac D Israeli Suitably for D Israeli the man of letters literature meant even more than just literature generally the humanities OIt shows an extended definition OIt shows his passion for literature

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 3 Points 2 What is the significance of the quotation taken from the following passage taken from the essay Eastern Sports and Western Bodies At one tie considered the strongest man in England Harrison was a well known English Professor of Gymnastics O It speaks about the talent of Harrison OIt shows the flaws of Harrison OIt shows that Harrison was only one of the many prominent ones

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyAny written work that is to be turned in for evaluation should be single O double ect answer Otriple None of the choices spaced

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 9 Points 2 Read the following lines from the essay An account of the proceedings on the trial of Susan Anthony on the charge of illegal voting at the presidential election in Nov 1872 and answer the question To give each man a voice in the public concerns comes nearest to that admirable idea of which we should never lose sight the uncontrolled exercise of private judgment The sentence begins with which of the following phrase type Prepositional phrase O Infinitive phrase O Adverbial phrase Reset Reset be Rese Question 1

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomythree types of claims Fact policy and value O Policy validation and value Fact deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning O Value warrant policy

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyChoose the correct answer The purpose of President Abraham Lincoln s Gettysburg Address was to O celebrate a Union victory O mourn a Union loss Owin support for an upcoming election O focus on the principles for which the Civil War had been fought

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyDosttest Question 6 Points 2 Read the following sentence and choose the correct answer Emily was driving while Eugene was riding in the back seat This is an example of O alliteration O parallelism

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyPosttest Question 4 Points 2 Read the following sentence and choose the correct answer The hurricane winds blew as hard as a ceiling fan This is an example of a n alliteration Oamplification

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyChoose the correct answer If the conclusion follows the premises that are untrue the argument is said to be Osound and valid invalid O invalid and unsound Ovalid and unsound

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyRead the following extract from Federalist Paper 10 by James Madison and answer the question that follows But the most common and desirable source of factions has been the various and unequal distribution of property Those who hold and those who are without property have ever formed distinct interests in society The phrase common and desirable means Oordinary and tough regular and long lasting familiar and strong

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich of the following is an effect of soluble fiber trapping nutrients and delaying their transit through the GI tract a slow glucose absorption O b block absorption of unwanted constituents c bind with bile acids in the GI tract d inhibit cholesterol synthesis in the liver

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomySugary soft drinks are dense in a minerals O b prebiotics Oc energy Od vitamins O e fiber

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 8 Points 2 Why does Paine mention Massanello in his essay Common Sense O Massanello was a great leader of America O He does not want people to wait for time and chance to form their governme O He believes Massanello is a man to be emulated O Massanello became king in a day

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyLesson Posttest Question 9 Points 2 In his essay Common Sense Paine has quoted the following lines Never can true reconcilement grow where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep Whose words are these O James Madison Hamilton O Milton O Shakespeare

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 3 Points 2 In his essay Common Sense Paine cites the twelve pitched battles fought between Edward and Henry What does he conclude this with O Fate of war is always decided Temper of a nation is static O Fate of war and temper of a nation are both uncertain