General Anatomy Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyPrompt This chapter explores research on the similarities and differences between men and women There is a sense in which framing the chapter that way at all could be seen as reinforcing the gender binary which assumes that men and women are discrete groups and that an individual s place in one group offers important information about them Do you see this potential reinforcement of the gender binary as justified in the context of this chapter Why or why not

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyMost primates have a very generalized and flexible body plan However humans are more derived in our specialized bipedal locomotion Which of the following is NOT a skeletal adaptation for bipedalism Check your answer in section 5 O Long thin innominates pelvis for longer thinner and weaker gluteal muscles O Valgus knee Robust hallux or big toe for supporting weight O A more central foramen magnum

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyFor this first Free Writing let s establish a baseline of your understanding of the concepts you will learn in this course With your answer to this prompt explain your concept of gender What is gender How do you know

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyCraig planned his career to the T He worked with his company for 25 years saving as much as he could in his 401K so that he could retire at 50 Then the stock market tanked in 2009 so his retirement savings took a big hit To offset this he now does some part time contract work for his old company to supplement his smaller retirement income Which term best applies to Craig s situation O work family conflict O boomerang employee syndrome age discrimination sexual harassment

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyI go to the 3rd grade classrooms at Blue Ash Elementary and ask the students to explain to me how they do their 2 digit subtraction problems then I am doing research using O self reports in a natural observation setting O performance measures in a natural observation setting O performance measures in a laboratory observation setting self reports in a laboratory observation setting

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyEven though Lila is 90 years old she still lives at home because she still gets out to walk 5 miles a day can see and hear quite well and is sharp as a tack mentally Which contributor to successful aging best applies to this situation competence O spirituality environmental press O integrity

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomySteve is turning 80 this year He s been thinking a lot about how his life went his successful career this 55 year marriage to his lovely wife and how amazing his children and grandchildren turned out If he died tomorrow he would die a happy man Which of Erikson s psychosocial stages best applies here O identity vs identity confusion O generativity vs stagnation O intimacy vs isolation O integrity vs despair

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyBarb likes to visit her grandmother in the nursing home She often asks her grandmother s advice on how to deal with her husband and children as her grandmother always seems to know exactly what Barb should do Which aspect of cognition is most likely at play here wisdom O creativity explicit memory O psychomotor speed

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomySusan is watching the 6 o clock news on Channel 5 They are reporting that an 83 year old woman drove her car into the front of a LaRosa s restaurant at lunch time Which aspect of cognition is most likely in cognitive decline for this to happen O creativity O psychomotor speed wisdom explicit memory

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyBert is having trouble seeing It s almost like there are spots blocking his vision so that light can t enter the visual pathway Which term best applies to this situation O neuritic plaques O macular degeneration O neurofibrillary tangles

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyIda is starting to show some decline in cognitive functioning as she moves into her late 70 s Her doctor thinks it s because some of her neurons are dying and clumping together in a way that disrupts other neurons from communicating Which term best applies to this situation O neurofibrillary tangles macular degeneration O cataracts

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyGeorge thinks he should be able to make it to 90 This is because his parents lived well into their 80 s and he takes care of himself eats plenty of vegetables still exercises and doesn t smoke Which life span term best applies to this situation O average life expectancy O longevity O maximum life expectancy O useful life expectancy

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyFred is a tendency to get really nervous around crowds and gets angry quickly when things don t go his way He s been like this since he was a young boy now that he s 45 it s not likely he ll change Which aspect of the Big Five Trait Theory best applies here conscientiousness neuroticism openness to experience

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyBrenda is in her 50 s and she s noticed that it is taking her a few seconds longer to read the answer on Jeopardy so that she can provide the question even for topics she knows well Which aspect of cognition may be most likely changing for Brenda mechanics of intelligence O expertise O pragmatics of intelligence O crystallized intelligence

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyMike has been really stressed lately and is suffering from high blood pressure His doctor also noticed that these and other risk factors may be increasing his chances of ending up with hardening of the arteries Which of the following is he most likely to diagnose him with Oartherosclerosis O rheumatoid arthritis osteoarthritis

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomySuzie and Sally are sitting next to one another on the living room floor Suzie is playing with her Silly Town toy and Sally is playing with her Leap Frog Music Table At first it looks like they are playing together but upon closer inspection it is obvious that they aren t What stage of play most likely applies to Suzie and Sally O cooperative O onlooker associative O parallel

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyMolly is facing a moral dilemma should she let her best friend cheat on the exam by letting her see her answers Molly decides it is wrong to do this because if her parents find out they would be very disappointed in her for participating in something dishonest Which stage of moral reasoning would Kohlberg say Molly is in O Stage 1 Heteronomous Morality

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyIn Naina s culture it is more important to do what your family expects of you including what career path you take Thus an adolescent in her culture will take those classes and major at a university in the career path that will maintain family harmony Which type of culture best applies to this situation collectivist culture O independent culture O none of these individualistic culture

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyBrittany is in the third grade and is having trouble seeing the whiteboard from the back of the room She has been moved to the row that is second closest to the board but she is still squinting a little bit What disorder issue best applies to Brittany myopia O dyslexia strabismus

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyBrianna is able to tell you what the steps are to her bedtime ritual that she goes through every night but she cannot tell you what happened earlier in the day unless it was something completely out of the ordinary like her mom laughing so hard that she had milk come out of her nose What age would we expect Brianna to be 3 years old O 4 years old O 5 years old O 6 years old

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWe can discuss the challenges faced by the LGBT community over the years From Social acceptance to legal recognition there has been a journey towards Unity and equality What specific aspects or time periods would you like to explor in this discussion 1935 to 2010 1

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomygiving out the world to know them We can discuss the difficulties throughout the years of action unity of LGBT community H

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyIf a new short run equilibrium exists below full employment level of real GDP What will happen to this economy in the long run aggregate supply curve will shift to the left labor and input costs will drop and output will increase the price level will go up aggregate demand curve will shift to the right

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyPART FOUR Give a brief description of each of the following people or groups of people Dra Khufu b Hatshepsut Wa c Amenhotep d Ramses II

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyYour task is to create a four panel comic strip representing how the Earth s ocean tides change with the Moon s orbit Requirements Each panel must show the tides at a different part of the Moon s orbit Each panel must show the relative tides across the Earth where are they high low at that point o Each panel must include labels that indicate what the celestial bodies Earth Moon are and what each tide is Optional O You may include the Sun in your panels as the Sun has a smaller but still significant influence on the Earth s ocean tides You may include the special spring neap tides that result from the Sun Moon being in line or at 90 to one another relative to Earth You may make the comic strip as boringly or as humorously informative as you like O

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyO Human blood types are in part determined by the ABO system The allele frequency for blood type A is 0 3 and IB is 0 1 What is the frequency of the allele that codes for no carbohydrate type O and is designated i H 0 6 0 4 O

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyPut the appropriate name by the letters in Google Form Section 4 a The insect has 2 wings Go to 2 1 b The insect has more than 2 wings Go to 3 a The insect has a long skinny abdomen Tupula simplex 2 b The insect has a short broad abdomen Apis mellifera Go to 4 Go to 5 Chaetocneme denitza E a The insect has broad wings b The insect has thin wings a The insect has spots on its wings b The insect do not have spots on its wings Catopsila pomona a The insect has a broad abdomen Bombus fervidus 5 b The insect has a thin abdomen Hexagenia limbata 3 4 36 B Use the diagram on the right characteristics Page 1 1 Hind Wing Abdomen 1 Q help locating naming Front Wing Thorax Leg Head Antenna Antennae

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyLumen of urethra Transitional epithelium Lamina propria containing mucous glands Mucosa Lamina propria Smooth muscle urethra Stratified squamous epithelium of mucosa Submucosa Detrusor muscle Urinary bladder V Female urethra

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWith this definition of math Mathematics is a story that has been written for thousands of years is always being added to and might never be finished Compare it with art What are some noteworthy similarities or differences 400 word response

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyIn Alzheimer s disease aggregates of tau form O amyloid plaques Olewy bodies synuclein

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich of the following sentences from the transcript Address to the Nation on Central America by President Ronald Reagan indicates a claim America may never have been born without the help and support of the freedom loving people of Europe They said in words that will live forever in the history of gratitude Lafayette we are here This is how democracy was built with one country one people helping another in their hour of greatest peril All of the choices

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy3 Make three diagrams from memory of the human ear showing a the outer ear b the middle ear and c the inner ear Label as many of the principal parts as you can

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWorking Memory holding information in mind while solving a problem starts to decline in late adulthood define term and give an example of what that would look like for YOU when you reach late adulthood Are there symptoms you will need to look out for What planning might you have to do regarding term as you get closer to late adulthood What are your expectations

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomyis the formation of glucose from proteins to fats Glycogenolysis Glycogenesis Gluconeogenesis Glycolysis

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomyis the storage of glucose in the form of glycogen Glycolysis Glycogenolysis Gluconeogenesis

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomySelect the CORRECT statement about absorption 80 of ingested materials have been absorbed by the end of the large intestine In rare cases that intact whole proteins are transported across the mucosal endothelium an immue response may be generated Amino acids transport is linked to chloride transport Carbohydrates diffuse across the mucosal endothelium and are then actively transported into blood capillaries

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomyf the diameter of the afferent arterioles leading to the glomerulus increases vasodilation which of the following is NOT likely to happen O Urine output will increase Systemic blood pressure will go up Glomerular filtration rate will increase Net filitration pressure will increase

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich of the following statements best describes complete protiens O Must contain all of the body s amino acid requirements for tissue and maintenance and growth Derived from meat and fish only O Meets all the minimum daily requirements for a healthy diet Derived only from legumes and other plant materials

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich of the following is NOT a function of cholecystokinin CCK O Increased production of pancreatic juices Increased production stomach acid Stimulated gallbladder to release bile Open hepatopancreatic sphincter

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich of the following is NOT true of saliva Cleanses the mouth Contains enzymes that begin the breakdown of carbohydrates Moistens food and aids in compacting of the bolus Contains acids which aid in chemical digestion

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomyis a vessel that is under high pressure which forces fluid and solutes in to the glomerular capsule O Afferent arteriole Efferent arteriole Vasa recta Peritubular capillaries

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyBoth male and female urethras serve as both the urinary and the reproductive systems O True False

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyAll of the following is a function of the low pH found in the stomach Select the description below that does NOT reflect the role of stomach acid The stomach s acid catabolically breaks down food stuffs in preperation for absorption Many potentially harmful bacterial will be prevented entry to the small intestine by stomach acid Low pH converts pepsinogen to its active form of pepsin preventing the protease enzymes from digesting cells that produce it Stomach acid denatures proteins making the polypeptide chain more accessible to pepsin

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThere are no nutritionally complete proteins All animal products should be eaten with plant mateial to make a nutritionally complete protein True False

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyLocate the portion of the common bile duct shared by the liver gall bladder and pancreas Liver Gallbladder O Pancreas

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyElectron Transport Chain H NADH Dehyrogenase H H NADH H NAD Electron donor Pyruvate The H gradient ATP hydrolysis Glucose H KORT Q 7876PACK ESTER Dept Biol Penn State 2002 What powers the ATP synthase rotary motor H H D Carrier Proteins cyt c H H H 2 H 1 2 0 Intermembrane Space H H H H O H H H H ATP Synthase H H ADP Pi ATP Mitochondrial Matrix

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy34 Examine the characteristic shape of pine pollen grains Label the bladders and where the tube cell and sperm would be located you will not be able to see these structures