Infex Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexress The omission of the adjusting entry to record depreciation expense will result in an overstatement of assets and an overstatement of owners equity understatement of assets and an understatement of owner s equity overstatement of assets and an overstatement of liabilities overstatement of liabilities and an understatement of owners equity

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexx This political cartoon from 1933 is suggesting that President Roosevelt 4x A was a main cause of the Great Depression 4x 4x B C D cannot conquer the issues of the country has many problems facing him as the new President does not want to be the President of the United States CHOED TELEON m April

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhat was the main reason why the US officially joined WWII on the Allies side all of these the surprise attack at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7th 1941 killing Americans and destroying American ships and airplanes the Zimmerman Telegram was intercepted and the US was worried that Germany was attempting to get Mexico to attack from the so the US was concerned that Germany was close to creating and using an atomic bomb in Europe

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich statement best highlights the significance of D Day victory for the Allies gave them an important geographic position in mainland Europe marking the beginning of ultimate victory for the Allie successful land invasion by the Allies in Japan that allowed the US to end the war on the Pacific Front Germany s only attempt to invade the United States in September of 1942 turning point in the war in the Pacific the US defeated the Japanese in one of the largest aerial conflicts of WWII

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex6 d Acid H is below 7 Yields H in solution ields OH ions in solution astes sour atch each to the section of the VENN diagram in which it belongs Both can conduct electricity in water Base Tastes bitter base acid acid both

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAmmonia What property do all three of these common household substances have in common They all turn red litmus blue They are all sour The react with metals to form hydrogen gas When dissolved in water the

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexSolubilities as a Function of Temperatur Caci 100 90 Solubility g solute 100 g H O 80 SRSRSRRS 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 NaCl about 120 g 10 g 5g KCI KCIO Ce 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Temperature C Looking at the solubility curve above for KCIO3 at 30 degrees Celsius how many grams will dissolve to make a saturated solu

Anatomy and Physiology
Infeximportant in US History What did they prove Who were the Code Talkers of WWII What did they do What type of work did women take on the homefront during WWII What was the 1 way that the US funded the war effort in WWII Why were many people moving to the Pacific Coast during WWII What type of work did they find

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWords are powerful And words can reveal hidden assumptions prejudices and biases sometimes so embedded that the speaker doesn t even recognize how they are participating in them Read Test Yourself for Hidden Bias E Then read How Biased is Your News Source First try and find the photos on Google Did you find the photos Have others written and reported on this two image controversy How and why is it important for college students to unpack their own assumptions and belief systems

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexBased on what you have read how can you motivate yourself Utilize at least 5 concepts from lecture or text to explain your answer Be specific in applying concepts to yourself

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAs a measure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum responses to the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In these posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the readings This can include citing specific photographs and photographers theoretical connections between different readings ideas themes and or the author s own argument Please refer to my separate guide on discussion posts for full details Posts are due by Sunday 6pm almost every week There will not be an opportunity to post after the deadline so make sure you enter the due dates into your calendar now so that you don t miss them Keep in mind that our reading assignments will cover similar but not identical material to the weekly lectures I have scheduled the readings so they foreshadow the content we cover in lecture that day so it is essential you do the readings prior to the lecture this form of assessment is designed to get you ready to engage with lecture content in a meaningful way Weekly readings are listed on the course schedule for the weeks they are due Search entries or author Unread UNKNOWN PHOTOGRAPHER Portrait of a Laundress 1848 50 5 5 16 x 3 5 16 inches Daguerreotype with applied color Photography democratized portraiture by making it economically feasible for or dinary working people to have their likeness memorialized Here a laundress ap nearing out of an ethereal setting and staring directly into the camera grips a bar

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDiscussion Board Posts 25 total As a measure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum responses to the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In these posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the readings This can include citing specific photographs and photographers theoretical connections between different readings ideas themes and or the author s own argument Please refer to my separate guide on discussion posts for full details Posts are due by Sunday 6pm almost every week There will not be an opportunity to post after the deadline so make sure you enter the due dates into your calendar now so that you don t miss them Keep in mind that our reading assignments will cover similar but not identical material to the weekly lectures I have scheduled the readings so they foreshadow the content we cover in lecture that day so it is essential you do the readings prior to the lecture this form of assessment is designed to get you ready to engage with lecture content in a meaningful way Weekly readings are listed on the course schedule for the weeks they are due Search ontries or author Unread WHAT IS A DAGUERREOTYPE In the winter of 1838 1839 American painter and inventor Samuel F B Morse 1791 1872 was in Paris to demonstrate his electric telegraph and he arranged a meeting with Daguerre After seeing Daguerre s process Morse wrote to his brother that daguerreotypes resemble aquatint engraving for they are in simple chiarooscuro sic and not in colors but the exquisite minuteness of the delineation cannot be con ceived No painting or engraving ever approached it The impressions of in terior views are Rembrandt perfected The daguerreotype is a physical container of information having the properties of both a two dimensional image and a three dimensional object The daguerreo type does not look or feel like a contemporary paper photograph nor is it made like one Its image rests on the highly polished silvered surface of a copper plate whose mirror like brilliance provides unparalleled visual depth but also makes viewing the picture problematic A daguerreotype must be viewed from a specific angle or its image will appear as a negative that is tonally reversed Above all the daguerreotype process produced a singular unique image unable to be print ed multiple times The daguerreotype s greatest technical advantage is its ability to render incredible detail Its shimmering surface is a physically luxurious one that can beautify an ordinary subject by anointing it with a sense of visual splen dor At its best the image can seem to rise from the surface giving a sense of a dimensionality The daguerreotype s subtle perfection and

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexSummary and Response 4 5 Pages The first part of your essay will summarize one of the pieces of your choice that we re reading in class from Learning the Good Life the summary must not exceed two pages Remember that you cannot possibly relate all of the points the author has made focus on the central argument and on claims that are most significant to us as participants in the discipline In particular you need to identify the controversy or problem that the author seeks to address What is the author s thesis and how does he she back up the claims in the article In grading your paper I look for a summary that is concise and clearly written The second part of your essay should contain your response and assessment of the author s argument You may choose to assess whether the evidence presented supports the author s thesis whether the author has considered alternative explanations for the same outcome and or whether the argument is internally consistent Is the author correct in his her claims what might he she have overlooked and what else might still be accounted for in this discussion Support your own arguments with evidence Note that I weigh the response and critical discussion most heavily when grading the paper Your thesis should be the first part of this response section Feel free to label the sections summary and response though you don t have to do so to receive credit Be careful about voice when writing your essay You should always make clear to the reader who is speaking in your paper the published author or you as the essay respondent This is usually not a problem in the part of the essay given over to summarizing the text but ambiguity about the voice can be a source of confusion when you turn to the critical discussion Please observe the standard formatting conventions Papers should be set in 12 point font double spaced with one inch margins on all sides Use at least two quotes from the text in your paper in any section so you can practice MI A style Words to avoid because your instructor hates them they lack specificity a lot very really interesting great things Assignment checklist 1 Use correct MLA bibliographic formatting 2 Use correct MLA in text style throughout 3 Connect your response to an event or situation personal or broad that you see as relevant to the piece 4 Summarize the essay or literary piece you re responding to in no more than two pages Do not comment on your feelings thoughts or attitudes in this postion of the essay 5 Critically respond to that piece in two to three pages Have a structure for your response consider it an argumentative reaction to the piece you ve chosen 6 Use direct quotes from the piece you re assessing in the response portion of your essay and analyze those quotes thoughtfully 7 In the analysis portion of the essay be mindful of the structure of your body paragraphs Check for proofreading errors and fie aware of your writing style Are you varying your sentrace style and structure Are you avoiding repetitive words and language Use active verbs You

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following reflexive verbs are conjugated in the past tense Select ALL that apply ENAMORARSE to fall in love GRADUARSE to graduate CASARSE to get married

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexSelect the correct verbal form to complete this sentence Nosotros no escuchamos O escucho escuchar el tel fono

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexSelect the correct verbal form to complete this sentence Julio abri O abri abrir la ventana antes de ir a la cama

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhat is the etiology of Major Depressive Disorder what is the epidemiology of Major

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexStudents should change the blades of their scalpels on a regular base or wil broken O TRUE OFALSE D BladerLASK CE

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWatch on YouTube STAGO 2 Answer this question after watching the video From your understanding what is the physiological explanation for stage fright or speaking anxiety 50 minimum words 3 Using Cho s TED ed video and or Chapter 11 Speaking with Confidence suggest three strategies that you would recommend a fellow classmate use to help manage their public speaking anxiety Explain how your classmate can use these strategies for this class 100 minimum words Grading

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAssess the Food Deserts informative speech by evaluating Reed s level of skill for each of the competencies listed in the Single Point Rubric Competent Speaker Speech Evaluation a Determine how effective or not Reed is at meeting each speaking competency by rating the speech as Glows meaning what was done well or rating the speech as Grows meaning what can be improved b and provide a brief comment 1 3 sentences explaining each of your ratings

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexd discussion 10 points possible Discussion Post A due Feb 11 at 6p Board Posts 25 total e of your participation you will write 200 word minimum the readings as well as responding to at least one other post sts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect ings This can include citing specific photographs and ers theoretical connections between different readings ideas or the author s own argument Please refer to my separate pictorial possibilities and creative controls involving the choice of angle of view type of light and scale In his text to The Open Door Talbot compared vernacular photographic realism the forerunner of the everyday snapshot to Dutch genre painting and reveals his allegiance to the Romantic picturesque landscape con ventions We have sufficient authority in the Dutch school of art for taking as subjects of representation scenes of daily and familiar occurrence A painter s eye mil often be arrested where ordinary people see nothing remarkable A casual gleam of sunshine or a shadow thrown across his path a time withered oak or a moss covered stone may awaken a train of thoughts and feelings and picturesque imaginings 2 Other pictures reveal the calotype s ability to trap a multitude of minute details which add to the truth and reality of the representation 10 which may have been unobserved by the photographer when exposing the negative His book also fore shadows the future strength of photographic imagemaking in its ability to pro duce multiple positive prints from a camera made matrix negative at photographic fin

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexdiscussion 10 points possible Discussion Post AV due Feb 11 at 6p Board Posts 25 total e of your participation you will write 200 word minimum o the readings as well as responding to at least one other post ts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect ings This can include citing specific photographs and ers theoretical connections between different readings ideas or the author s own argument Please refer to my separate tives a day showing his enthusiasm as well as the ease with which calotypes could be made The negative material could be prepared the evening before freeing a calotypist from needing a darkroom before and after each exposure While travel ing on business Talbot would develop his paper negatives each evening and mail the results back to his estate at Lacock Abbey Upon their receipt the negatives were printed by Constance Talbot making her the first woman photographic pro cessor and Nicolaas Henneman Talbot s Dutch valet photographic assistant and business manager Talbot s The Pencil of Nature was the first book to be fully illustrated by calotypes earlier he had issued a pamphlet with a calotype on the cover Published by subscription with fewer than 300 copies released in installments between June 1844 and April 1846 The Pencil of Nature realized Talbot s dream of every man being his own printer and publisher and of poor authors making facsimiles of their works in their own handwriting 7 The progenitor of the photographically illustrated book promoted Talbot s calotype process along with his far reaching commentary on the aesthetics and future potential of the medium The introduc of the process and the succeeding

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexaded discussion 10 points possible Discussion Post A due Feb 11 at 6p n Board Posts 25 total sure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum s to the readings as well as responding to at least one other post posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect eadings This can include citing specific photographs and aphers theoretical connections between different readings ideas and or the author s own argument Please refer to my separate highlights and to create points of visual emphasis India ink was commonly ap plied to black out the sky portion of a negative so it would print as a clear blank space Long exposures did not stop movement and blurry clouds and or densely over exposed and uneven skies gave a mottled effect Blacking out the sky also hid the imperfections of the paper matrix that were brought out by subjects with little surface detail India ink was also applied to the paper negative to eliminate some parts of the camera made image and to add others such as drawing in mountains on a flat horizon

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexPropaganda is any information e g a leaflet a poster a film a song that is biased or gives false misleading information It is usually used to put across a point of view or to promote a political cause group Create a propaganda poster distributed by the ruling power Remember to use the symbols that you have created and propaganda techniques This should be really convincing as it is used by the people in power to control ordinary people

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAn individual with an iodine deficiency would have an issue producing which hormone 15 0000 T3 T4 Insulin 14 1 point Calcitonin Melatonin 0000 Adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH Secretion is regulated by a hypothalamic regulatory hormone Causes the release of hormones from the thyroid gland Does not act on another endocrine gland Is secreted by the posterior pituitary 1 point Upon flying from the U S to India Bob feels wide awake even though the local time is 11pm Which synthetic hormone supplement could he administe to help adjust to the new time zone Melatonin Parathyroid hormone

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex2 Which of the following is not an anterior pituitary hormone Luteinizing hormone LH Growth hormone GH Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH Anti diuretic hormone ADH 1 point Release of hormones from the posterior pituitary gland is regulated by stimuli The Neural Enzymatic Hormonal Humoral 1 point makes hormones that are transported to the Hypothalamus posterior pituitary Hypothalamus anterior pituitary Posterior pituitary hypothalamus via the bloodstream and trigger release of more hormones

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex9 Exerts its most important effects during menstruation Release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism Is an anterior pituitary secretion Controls milk production 1 point Match the hormones to their target organs Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH Follicle stimulating hormone FSH Growth hormone GH Parathyroid hormone PTH Thyroid gland Skeletal muscle and bone Ovary Testes Thyroid gland Bone and kidneys MUSIC Oriv uvnic

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex7 Which of the following is NOT a category of endocrine gland stimulus 0000 Humoral Neural Hormonal Enzymatic 1 point Match the hormone with the gland that produces it Calcitonin Oxytocin Melatonin Prolactin Pineal gland Thyroid gland Anterior pituitary gland Posterior pituitary gland

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexMatch the structure with its function Senses changes in dynamic equilibrium Organ that houses receptors for hearing Transmits sound vibrations to auditory ossicles Senses changes in static equilibrium Cochlea Tympanic membrane Cristae ampullaris in semicircular canals Macular in vestibule

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1 1 point Identify the structures in the figure below Stapes F Auricle pinna Cochlea E 12010 B D

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexCreate find images of the characters who live in your dystopian world Consider how their clothing and appearance reflects their class how much power they have and the types of environments they live in

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexa graded discussion 10 points le k 2 Discussion Post A due Feb 4 at 6pm 27 27 ssion Board Posts 25 total measure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum onses to the readings as well as responding to at least one other In these posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically ct on the readings This can include citing specific photographs and ographers theoretical connections between different ngs ideas themes and or the author s own argument Please refer y separate guide on discussion posts for full details Posts are due by projected a distinct but inverted color image onto the opposite wall that could then be traced Art historian Kenneth Clark stated that be fore Leonardo Alberti invented a device which seems to have been sort of camera obscura the images of which he called miracles of painting 8 German artist Albrecht D rer 1471 1528 was one of the first to ingeniously adapt these camera based principles of perspecti and proportion to his drawings In 1558 Giovanni Battista della Por published his treatise Magiae naturalis Natural Magic describing th camera obscura and how it could make drawing easier The manner in which one can perceive in the dark the things which on the outside are illuminated by the sun and with their colors will make possible for anyone ignorant of the art of painting to draw with a pencil or pen the image made by a camera obscura of any object whatsoever 10 blo timo printing press

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexpossible Week 2 Discussion Post AV 27 27 Discussion Board Posts 25 total As a measure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum responses to the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In these posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the readings This can include citing specific photographs and photographers theoretical connections between different readings ideas themes and or the author s own argument Please refer to my separate guide on discussion posts for full details Posts are due by at Athanasius Kircher Illustration of a large portable camera obscura from Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae The Great Art of Light and Shadow Rome 1646 page 807 Engraving In 1646 Athanasius Kircher a Jesuit scholar and professor in Rome de scribed and illustrated a portable camera obscura that could be carried by two people on poles It consisted of an opaque outer cube with a lens in the center of each wall and an inner cube of transparent paper d the device via a trandoor in the

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexded discussion 10 points Discussion Post A due Feb 4 at 6pm 27 27 nBoard Posts 25 total ure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum to the readings as well as responding to at least one other ese posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically the readings This can include citing specific photographs and phers theoretical connections between different ideas themes and or the author s own argument Please refer parate guide on discussion posts for full details Posts are due by principles to contrive an arrangement of mirrors in order to project images of eclipses as well as street scenes and interior views of his house In Perspectiva communis 1279 John Peckham the Archbishop of Canterbury and a likely student of Bacon made remarks about ob serving a solar eclipse through a pinhole in a dark room The evolution of the camera can be linked to a new Western concentra tion on science with an increased reliance on observation during the European Renaissance a period from about the fourteenth to the sev enteenth century With new discoveries based on experimentation and observation fifteenth century artists and scientists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Nicolaus Copernicus provided a veritable process that meant people no longer had to accept the authority of the unprovable Instead they could look to an open system that was not predicated on belief and magic Science offered an alternative to blind faith and the foundation of belief for educated society began shifting toward objec tiu degumontablo repeatable facts In addition to praying for their

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexs is a graded discussion 10 points sible eek 2 Discussion Post A due Feb 4 at 6pm 27 27 cussion Board Posts 25 total a measure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum ponses to the readings as well as responding to at least one other t In these posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically ect on the readings This can include citing specific photographs and tographers theoretical connections between different dings ideas themes and or the author s own argument Please refer my separate guide on discussion posts for full details Posts are due by era A primary function of visual arts originates in the desire to create a likeness of someone or something that society deemed worth com memorating Dating back to cave paintings as well as to Plato s Cave according to Susan Sontag and other critics this human urge to make pictures that augment the faculty of memory by capturing time is at the conceptual base of photography Since ancient times artists and inven tors have searched for ways to expedite the societal desire for an af fordable and repeatable picturemaking process Eventually they con centrated their technical efforts on how to automatically capture a truthful likeness directly formed by light As early as the fifth century B C E the Chinese philosopher Mo Ti dis covered that light reflecting from an illuminated object and passing through a pinhole into a darkened area would form an exact though inverted image of that object offering a prototype of the pinhole lens less camera In the West the first recorded description of the pinhole was made by the Greek philosopher Aristotle who around 330 B C E

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexFriendship 1 Think of a specific friend who is important to you right now Why is spending time with this person so important to you 2 What do you hope does not happen to this important friendship say when there are barriers of distance or being too busy 3 What aspects of this friend are your most grateful for and why

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexFamily 1 Your family beliefs values and traditions Which do you hope to keep 2 Your family beliefs values and traditions Which do you not agree with Want to develop your own perspective on 3 What aspects of your family are your most grateful for and why

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexRomantic Partner 1 What do you look for in your ideal romantic partner 2 What are some of your deal breakers things that will deter you from someone 3 What are some reasons why you want a romantic partner and how might this person enh your life

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexPart 1 What are the top three most meaningful things in your life right now Why 1 2 3 Part 2 Ask the same question to someone who is at least twenty years older than you 1 2 3 Dart 3 Afterwards compare your answers bow

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexobjective is just to give you an idea COURSE OBJECTIVES 1 To be familiar with several theories of human motivation 2 To learn the relationship between motivation and the human brain 3 To understand physiological psychological and social needs 4 To differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation 5 To understand the nature of emotion and its relationship to motivation 6 To be familiar with theories related to personality the self and growth motivation Homework 1 respond to the following questions Homework assignments should be a MINIMUM of 1 page in your own words Why did you enroll in this class Provide a motivational answer to explain Initiation What motivated you to take an online class in the first place Persistence Why do you continue to stay

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich correctly combines the two sentences below using a coordinating conjunction She stayed up late last night She didn t have her homework done A She stayed up late last night for she didn t have her homework done B She stayed up late last night nor had her homework done C She stayed up late last night for she didn t have her homework done

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexO Emotional reactions based on transferential processes O The Stimulus Response Paradigm O Personality Developmental Theory Nativism Question 5 In order to test a theory one can do what All of these Conduct an experiment Create a belief system to support the theory

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAn intervening variable OIs part of the design in an experiment O All of these Is the cause for selective attention O CAN be used to label the internal state of a person or an outside factor that was not anticipate influences responses that are different from other people

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexA theory should do what O All of these O Provide guidance for setting up an experiement O Help you find problems in a system that is not working properly O Tell you how things look when they are working properly

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexA NATAVIST thinks which of the following O Intelligence is something acquired over time from the environment OIt is important to only purchase items from your local community O All of these are what a Nativist would think O Intelligence knowledge is something with which a person is born

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThis reading is brief but it is certainly dense Summarize Robinson s main points in two full paragraphs What are her main ideas How would you describe this piece to a friend This discussion board will contain three paragraphs the next is your response I d like for you to take what Robinson has written about the sacred and compare it to your experiences and ideas What do you believe that is similar or different Complete these three paragraphs in a post of approximately 500 words Note again that this post is a little longer than the one you completed the first week Read another classmate s post and see if he or she came up with the same primary points of Robinson s argument Write to that student about ways your summaries were similar or different Then respond to what they wrote about comparing Robinson s ideas to their own Your response should be approximately 200 words Note that the post requirement is about 50 words longer than previous posts You re practicing your writing skills and helping someone else flesh out their ideas for the next essay This discussion board mimics the set up of your first essay assignment which was posted last week and is available in this module as well Your first post is due by Thursday at 9pm and your response is due by Saturday at 9pm

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexsimultaneously function as a side show for white people who look on with delight at all the differences that surround them We may be on our way to genuine hybridity multiplicity without white hegemony and it may be where we want to get to but we aren t there yet and we won t get there until we see whiteness see its power its particularity and limitedness put it in its place and end its rule This is why studying whiteness matters It is studying whiteness qua whiteness Attention is sometimes paid to white ethnicity e g Alba 1990 but this always means an identity based on cultural origins such as British Italian or Polish or Catholic or Jewish or Polish American Irish American Catholic American and so on These however are variations on white ethnicity though some are more securely white than others and the examination of them tends to lead away from a consideration of whiteness itself John Ibson 1981 in a discussion of research on white US ethnicity concludes that being say Polish Catholic or Irish may not be as important to white Americans as some might wish But being white is This then is why it is important to come to see whiteness For those in power in the West as long as whiteness is felt to be the human condition then it alone both defines normality and fully inhabits it As I suggested in my opening paragraphs the equation of being white with being human secures a position of power White people have power and believe that they think feel and act like and for all people white people unable to see their particularity cannot take account of other people s white people create the dominant images of the world and don t quite see that they thus construct the world in their own image white people set standards of humanity by which they are bound to succeed and others bound to fail Most of this is not done deliberately and maliciously there are enormous variations of power amongst white people to do with class gender and other factors goodwill is not unheard of in white people s engagement with others White power nonetheless reproduces itself regardless of in tention power differences and goodwill and overwhelmingly because it is not seen as whiteness but as normal White people need to learn to see themselves as white to see their particularity In other words whiteness needs to be made strange NOTES 1 I use the terms race and racial in this opening section in the most com mon though problematic sense referring to supposedly visibly differentiable sup posedly discrete social groupings 2 In their discussion of the extraordinarily successful TV sitcom about a mid dle class African American family The Cosby Show Sut Jhally and Justin Lewis note eople who look on with We may be on our way egemony and it may be and we won t get there ity and limitedness put whiteness matters on is sometimes paid to means an identity based h or Catholic or Jewish rican and so on These some are more securely tends to lead away from 981 in a discussion of ing say Polish Catholic ans as some might wish whiteness For those in e the human condition abits it As I suggested in white with being human power and believe that te people unable to see people s white people on t quite see that they people set standards of id others bound to fail sly there are enormous with class gender and e people s engagement i itself regardless of in vhelmingly because it is le need to learn to see other words whiteness section in the most com visibly differentiable sup ITV sitcom about a mid illy and Justin Lewis note the way that viewers repeatedly recognise the characters blackness but also feel that you just think of them as people in other words that they don t only speak for their race Jhally and Lewis argue that this is achieved by the way the family conforms to the everyday generic world of white television 1992 100 an essen tially middle class world The family is ordinary despite being black because it is upwardly mobile it can be accepted as ordinary in a way that marginalises most actual African Americans If the realities of African American experience were in cluded then the characters would not be perceived as just people 3 See for instance Bogle 1973 Hartmann and Husband 1974 Troyna 1981 MacDonald 1983 Wilson and Guti rez 1985 van Dijk 1987 Jhally and Lewis 1992 58ff Ross 1995 The research findings are generally cast the other way round in terms of non white under representation textual marginalisation and positioning as deviant or a problem Recent research in the US does suggest that African Americans but not other racially marginalised groups have become more repre sented in the media even in excess of their proportion of the population However this number still falls off if one focuses on central characters 4 The Crying Game GB 1992 seems to me to be an example of this It ex plores with fascination and generosity the hybrid and fluid nature of identity gender race national belonging sexuality Yet all of this revolves around a be mused but ultimately unchallenged straight white man it reinscribes the post tion of those at the intersection of heterosexuality maleness and whiteness as that of the one group which does not need to be hybrid and fluid REFERENCES Alba Richard D 1990 Ethnic Identity The Transformation of White America New Haven Yale University Press Bogle Donald 1973 Toms Coons Mulattoes Mammies and Bucks An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films New York Viking Press Carby Hazel V 1992 The Multicultural Wars in Dent Gina ed Black Popra lar Culture Seattle Bay Press 187 99 Dyer Richard 1993 Seen To Be Believed Problems in the Representation of Gay People as Typical in Dyer The Matter of Images Essays on Representations Lon don Routledge 19 51 Hartmann Paul and Husband Charles 1974 Racism and the Mass Media Lon don Davis Poynter hooks bell 1992 Madonna Plantation Mistress or Soul Sister and Repre sentations of Whiteness in the Black Imagination in Black Looks Race and Represen tation Boston South End Press 157 64 165 78 Ibson John 1981 Virgin Land or Virgin Mary Studying the Ethnicity of White Americans American Quarterly 33 3 284 308 Jhally Sut and Lewis Justin 1992 Enlightened Racism The Cosby Show Audi ences and the Myth of the American Dream Boulder Westview Press MacDonald J F 1983 Blacks and White TV Afro Americans in Television since 1948 Chicago Nelson Hall