Supex Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexMatch the spinal nerve with its correct function Phrenic Axillary Radial Femoral Sciatic A Serves the deltoid and teres minor muscles B Serves the quadriceps anterior thigh C Serves the muscles of the posterior arm and forearm D One branch serves the back of the thigh hamstring muscles and the other branch lateral surface of the leg E Motor and sensory nerve for the diaphragm

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexWhich action was justified by the ideas in Andrew Carnegie s theory of the Gospel of Wealth O the formation of monopolies and trusts the creation of a welfare system to help the poor government control over corporations an unwillingness to give back to the community

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexA P1 wild type sepia eye se If the F1 result is 15 wild type females and 10 wild type males what inference can be made about which trait is the mutant sepia eye because the mutant is usually less common B wild type because the mutant is usually dominant C wild type as it is usually less common

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexExcessive Force is defined as O force above and beyond the amount of force used by the suspect O more force than is necessary to make the arrest O any action deemed to be excessive by a prudent and reasonable officer O force that could leave the suspect seriously injured

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexSocial Comparison Theory O b Framing Theory O c Agenda Setting Theory O d Social Cognitive Theory Oe None of the Above QUESTION 26 This CON concern of Telemedicine recognizes that due to the technology services and tech employees involve telemedicine confidential patient information may be seen or heard by individuals other than medical personnel O a Health Insurance O b Transcending Temporal Boundaries O c Technical Difficulties O d Patient Privacy

Anatomy and Physiology
Supexrecords on a computer in the room After the appointment Taylor s new prescription is sent virtually to Taylor s local Taylor to an examination room where they bring up Taylor s medical pharmacy and a summary of the visit is digitally sent to Taylor s insurance company These digital versions of Taylor s health information is called O a Telemedicine O b eHealth Literacy O c Mobilizing Digital Natives O d Electronic Health Records Oe None of the Above QUESTION 43 The essential purpose of both Risk and Crisis Communication is to limit contain mitigate and reduce harm True

Anatomy and Physiology
Supexbipolar disorder major depression a panic attack Question 189 The combining form meaning grapelike clusters is O myc o O py o strept o O staphyl o Question 190 Cessation of menstruation is

Anatomy and Physiology
Supex31 A nurse is reinforcing medication teaching with a client who has a major depressive disorder and a new prescription for amitriptyline Which of the following information should the nurse include 1 33 Points O You might experience constipation while taking this medication Weight loss is a common adverse effect of this medication Your blood pressure might increase while taking this medication Increased salivation is an expected adverse effect of this

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexDID YOU KNOW In mathematical terms a direct relationship means the changing value is in the numerator and an inverse relationship means the changing value is in the denominator 5 Remember the numerator is on top and the denominator is on the bottom Will the distance between the charges go on the numerator or the denominator

Anatomy and Physiology
Supexpopular sovereignty Checks and balances Separation of powers Social contract theory Limited government Rule of law correct place concept that government power can be limited idea that everyone must follow the law including leaders people agree to let government rule over them in exchange for protection belief that government power comes from the people government power is divided between three branches legislative executive and judicial rules that keep one branch from becoming more powerful than another

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexA person can commit a crime but not be criminally responsible for his or her actions O True O False

Anatomy and Physiology
Supex30 Which of the following is an example of guerrilla warfare A large group of soldiers invades an island O A country aids another country in war A small group of soldiers ambushes opposing troops A general requests two hundred additional troops

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexWhich statement best describes how manufacturing innovations led to growth in cities A As more goods were available people had more time to enjoy entertainment options in the city B As factories grew more people moved to the city looking for white collar jobs C As goods became cheaper people moved to cities to find jobs in new department stores D As factories grew more people moved to the city looking for fin

Anatomy and Physiology
Supexdmij 1pqqu on to 5 Correctly identify both intact and transected cut muscles depicted in the illustration using the key given at the right Key IC a b C d biceps brachii cut deltoid external oblique e internal oblique pectoralis major pectoralis minor rectus abdominis f g h external intercostals i j serratus anterior trapezius

Anatomy and Physiology
Supex14 What was the political statement made during the 1968 Olympic games representing O anti war efforts Black Power O unfair treatment of female athletes child labor

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexIf you are looking to your left which muscle is responsible for getting your left eye into position FUM Vior Incort Format Tools Table

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexA committee at Omega University has narrowed down their plans for a fall fundraising drive to 3 choices They want to conduct a survey to determine which choice the university s 2 000 students prefer The committee will go with the choice that gets the most votes Which two of the following methods will allow the committee to make a more valid conclusion about which choice the student body prefers O Ask every student at Omega University Ask 100 students in the campus library Assign a number to each student and use a computer program to generate 100 random numbers between 1 and 2000 Ask those 100 students whose numbers are selected Each of the 5 committee members can ask 20 friends total of 100 students None of these methods will allow you to make a valid conclusion

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexIdentify the ROUND structure in the picture below a Sporangium Ob Hyphae c Mycelium

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexMutated DNA sequence 3 mRNA transcript Circle any changes amino acids Type of mutation Circle one How did the mutation affect the amino acid sequence protein Circle one Point TAC ACC TTA GCG ACG ACT No change Substitution 1 amino acid changed Premature stop signal Frameshift No stop signal Insertion 1 amino acid added deleted or Deletion All the amino aci changed after th point of mutatio

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexDuring the 1970s which factor made the Native American struggle for equal treatment under the law different from issues faced by African Americans A Native American organizations were unable to attract members from across the country like African American organizations B Native American protesters were unable to capture the same level of national media attention given to African American protestors C Native Americans were faced with securing civil rights and the sovereign rights of Native nations while African Americans only focused on civil rights D Native Americans were challenged to find examples of discrimination and unfair treatment while many such incidents existed for African Americans O A OB OC OD

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexWhich statement describes the main reason Malcolm X had a lesser impact on the mainstream Civil Rights Movement than Martin Luther King Jr A His plan centered on a lengthy amendment process in Congress B His time in prison reduced his ability to influence political candidates C His support for potentially violent actions alarmed moderate Americans 4 D His strategy focused on obtaining financial support from foreign countries A B

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexMatch the following Medical Ethical Principle to its definition Protecting a person s rights to make their own decisions when it comes to choosing or refusing medical treatment The risks of the medical procedure treatment need to be clearly outweighed by the benefits of the procedure treatment Do no harm Providers must act in a patient s best interest to either restore the patient s health and or relieve the patient s suffering Equal distribution of medical benefits and risks so every person receives the same access to medical treatment and research opportunities a Nonmaleficence b Respect for Autonom c Justice d Beneficence

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexWhich theory of emotion posits that general arousal leads to assessment of one s surroundings which in turn leads to subjective feelings Somatovisceral Afference Model of Emotion James Lange theory Cannon Bard theory Attempts left 3 PA Schachter Singer two factor theory

Anatomy and Physiology
Supextive System Lab Pre Lab 45 Review Practice Sheet Anatomy of the Reproductive Labia minora Vaginal orifice Urethral opening Mons pubis Vestibule Vestibular bulb 011

Anatomy and Physiology
Supexor False Mark T for true or F for false 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 The healthy adult produces about 1500 mL of urine each day Urinary urgency is the loss of bladder control When using a fracture pan the larger end is placed under the buttocks Follow Standard Precautions and the Bloodbome Pathogen Standard when handling bedpans and their contents After use urinals are placed on the over bed table Urinary incontinence may be temporary or permanent Catheters treat the cause of urinary incontinence Catheterization increases the risk of urinary tract infection Adhesive tape is used to secure condom catheters The goal of bladder training programs is control of urination Leaving a person on the bedpan or commode for a long time can cause discomfort odors and skin

Anatomy and Physiology
Supexion 24 of the following is true about deliv outlines can have delivery cues

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexIn the following research question which variable is the dependent variable Does health coaching reduce feelings of burnout among remote working employees Return on investment Remote working employees Participation in health coaching Feelings of burnout

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexIn the following research question who is the population of interest Does health coaching reduce feelings of burnout among remote working employees Remote working employees Health coaches Health coach employees Employees with high levels of burnout

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexChapter 8 Matching E Center part where muscle mass is greatest Where a skeletal muscle begins 8 Striated muscle 1 Several muscle fibers that are grouped together 5 Wide white sheet of fibrous connective tissue Nonstrated murale

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexAssuming no alternative splicing how large is the Note units are in nucleotides base pairs for DNA and we do not count polyA and cap modifications 5 UTR 1st exon 1st intron 2nd exon 2nd intron 3rd exon 3 UTR 900 650 600 450 200 150 100 150 100 150 40 DNA Primary transcript Mature mRNA Protein Exon 1 Promoter ATG Intron 1 Exon 2 Intron 2 Transcription AUG Exon1 Intron 1 Exon 2 5 meG Exon 1 Cap 5 UTR AUG Exon 2 Met Intron 2 Stop Exon 3 C Poly A Stop signal Exon 3 Stop AAUAAA Exon 3 AAUAAA 3 AAAAAAAA 3 Poly A tail 3 UTR

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexB Your co worker s patient requires droplet precautions Your co worker asks you to help answer the call lights of her other patients while she is in the person s room You should A Do so willingly and pleasantly B Tell your co worker that you have your own SAJ work to do C Report your co worker s behavior to the nurse D Ignore the request and complete your own assignment

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexIn which quarter of the year has the country achieved the highest FDI 33199 Jan 2016 42215 43774 Jul 2016 36791 36004 Jan 2017 Source www tradingeconomics com In the last quarter of 2018 45291 44328 Jul 2017 48155 Jan 2018 45701 47253 Jul 2018 51938 50955 Jan 2019 55000 50000 45000 40000 35000 SOURCE TRADINGECONOMICS COM I U S BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 30000

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexTo reduce gradually by layer or unit To expel or drive out with physical force To ask question To obliterate or eliminate by wearing away Reverential regard or worship To reverse position order or relationship Easily bent or deformed Highest or culminating point A record or statement of transactions Having the propensity for falling in love The negative pole or electrode of a battery Not interpreted or altered Citizens organized for military service Pertaining to winter Yielding or submissive To give a clarifying explanation A division or separation into parts Voluntary withdrawal from an organization To make appear great or greater To overstate enlarge beyond truth or bounds A lawmaker representing a group of people One with knowledge or appreciation of an art Perceivable able to be identified The study of facial features and expression A primarily urban political unit Frugal to the point of stinginess The state of being flowery stless lacking life spirit or zest ULARY Part 1 P C P P O C 30 M 1 T L E B S C P H Y Y F S G 1 P E O N NU Z In ZEF FACEH EZ F T ASIL N T SF ONTKY NVERTAPASH C J T 1 D ACEO L OC R ICM RVM ACT SEA L T DQULN NUDO O 1 T HAEH PRRY T SNEOPU AGY EDS COSI RGRT CEJEMCEI 1 ISG LTASE E ACCO L UAMO LI T 1 BERNAL TRLME URTO DID UNTRIEOA OO O USNSNKNH IACUARCRT PMI PHYS OGNOMY BAEA UM 1 ROTALSIGELP C S SNPEXAGGERATED Enter unused letters from puzzle in order 0 0 0 0 000 00 0 Copy boxed letters to form your hidden messag

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexWhat does the following sentence from the essay An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage by Frederick Douglas depict Impartial history will paint them as men who deserved well of their country It will tell how they forded and swam rivers with what consummate address they evaded the sharp eyed Rebel pickets how they toiled in the darkness of night through the tangled marshes of briers and thorns barefooted and weary OFalse claim Indicates a claim Evidence for the counterclaim

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexQuestion 18 Points 2 Read the following lines from the essay How to Make a Lawn and answer the following question A small piece well made and well kept will give more satisfaction than a larger plot of inferior turf Identify the sentence structure O Anaphora O Triadic sentence Antithesis

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexQuestion 6 Points 2 Read the following and answer the question that follows Many substitutes for ash oak and hickory have been tried but they have failed to prove satisfactory Which of the following do ash oak and hickory represent Substitutes Specific verbs O Descriptive words Precise nouns

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexChoose the correct answer is involving many parts or details O Elaborate O Effective O Component O Validity

Anatomy and Physiology
Supexead the following sentence and answer the question As lawyers are watched they may appear alternately as jumping up and sitting down like jacks in the box or those weather figures where if one goes in the other comes out Which of the following do the words one and other represent O Reference Substitution O Ellipsis

Anatomy and Physiology
Supexrrect answer The introduction paragraph should end with O an interesting fact about your topic O your thesis statement O a powerful statement that leaves your reader wanting to learn more a transition to your conclusion Complete La

Anatomy and Physiology
Supexect answer Any structured essay should contain O an introduction a conclusion an introduction and a conclusion O None of the choices Complete bater

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexChoose the correct answer An outline can be compared to O a title page a table of contents a bibliography

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexPosttest Question 10 Points 3 Which of the following sentences from the essay An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage by Frederick Douglas indicates a claim by the writer We have crushed the Rebellion but not its hopes or its malign purposes The South fought for perfect and permanent control over the Southern laborer Statesmen of America beware of what you do The plowshare of rebellion has gone through the land beam deep None of the choices

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexQuestion 9 Points 3 Identify the type of reasoning in the sentence below They are sure the file is corrupted it can be removed from the system O Implicit reasoning Explicit reasoning Invalid argument

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexQuestion 1 Points 2 What does the story Young Goodman Brown reveal about characters in society They are kindhearted but misled They are evil O They are hypocrites O They are pugnacious and dangerous

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexQuestion 3 Points 2 What can be inferred from the words reprobates to weariness in the following statement from the essay Society and Solitude by Ralph Waldo Emerson Who reprobates to weariness the danger and vice of pure intellect O Express comfort and solace Express disapproval in a tiring fashion O Provide an interest in offer Q 6

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexI don t doubt it Question 9 Points 2 Which of these choices expresses the below phrase more positively I doubt it it is doubtful Obelleveit My Activities Tell Oit is unbelievable do Q

Anatomy and Physiology
Supexattest Question 41 Points 2 What role does evidence play in an argumentative essay 100 00 Evidence introduces new ideas that come into play Evidence supports the claims that the weiter takes Evidence disproves personal experiences detailed in the essay Evidence is used to appeal to the readers erotions