Finals week is inevitably a challenge. Whether you have exams, group projects, or papers, finals week, unsurprisingly, is always a time of high anxiety. Unfortunately, with the stress to perform, you may find your motivation at its lowest. Why is stress inevitable at this time of year, and how do you get rid of final exam stress?
Find the causes of your exam stress and write them down.
First, let’s start by defining stress. Stress is mental tension caused unique triggers. Although, we often generalize and refer to stress as an overall state of mind, it’s important to think through the unique causes. Are you afraid to disappoint your family? Are you struggling with self-confidence? Do you have an incredibly tough professor? Are you afraid that getting a bad grade will affect your career prospects? Start by writing your worries down on a piece of paper. This is an effective way to understand your feelings more clearly and begin to relax. You’ll offload repetitive, worrisome thoughts, begin to feel lighter, and, as a result, be able to use your mental resources to concentrate on studying. Now let’s see how to use final exam stress to increase your motivation.
Turn your stress into success
When managed correctly, final exam stress can actually turn into something positive. In small doses, it can help you to accomplish tasks more efficiently and enhance motivation. Think of it this way, if you’re constantly stuck in negative thoughts, you may not be able to spend your time in the most efficient way. In fact you may not even be able to start studying for your finals! Instead, channel your stress into being productive. The key is to accept what cannot be changed and act on what you can control. Rather than dwell on the negative, remind yourself of your dreams and embrace them. Think about what steps you can take now to ensure future success, rather than what could happen if your dreams don’t come true. When you accomplish something, even it is seems small, treat yourself! Sometimes a reward is just what you need to stay motivated, and at the least you’ll have something to look forward to after a long day.
Congrats on making it to finals week. Study hard, sleep well, and good luck! ✨✨