Posted by Gabby Marasco, 3/25/212 minutes long

Study Tips for Better Learning – Effective Studying 101

You can make studying much easier and rewarding with just a few study tips. We have a couple just for you!

Study Tips for Better Learning – Effective Studying 101

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It’s proven that time management is an incredibly effective method for reducing stress levels. By making a few changes to your daily routine you can make studying easier and more fruitful. Here are our top study tips!

Time Management is a MUST for Effective Studying

Scheduling your day will allow for optimal productivity. In addition to reviewing coursework and studying for exams, you can make time for both physical and mental relaxation. Reward yourself with activities such as going to a movie or seeing a play with friends. You might be thinking, “Well, I won’t have enough time to study if I do those things.” However, with the right plan and application of study tips, there will be plenty of opportunities to reward yourself! Effective time management results from organizing how long you will spend on different activities and preparing a personal study schedule.

Other Study Tips to Keep in Mind:

  • Make sure to pay close attention and take notes in class! Not only will taking notes help you to maintain your focus, but also writing boosts memory and helps with recall.
  • Review notes from your classes daily. This will ensure active memory encoding — your new knowledge will be stored in your brain indefinitely.
  • Make sure you understand fundamentals before trying to solve questions. This study habit will help ensure you don’t lose motivation before you even start! Once you understand a subject, review related questions that already have answers. This way, you can see the right method to use to when solving problems. Most importantly, make sure to learn solutions to the questions you cannot solve. If you are looking for expert answers to your questions, Kunduz is for you!
  • Study in the same order that you were taught. After you understand a subject fully, move to the next one.
  • Don’t just memorize! Ensure you’re gaining a full grasp of concepts when studying. No matter how hard a question is, with the right effort you can solve it for sure!
  • Don’t only study the subjects you like! To effectively tackle a hard subject, split it into smaller pieces. When you’re finished learning the pieces, you’ll have learned the subject as a whole too! ?

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