
0 0044 A Keep working At least one of the answers above is

Last updated: 11/11/2023

0 0044 A Keep working At least one of the answers above is

0 0044 A Keep working At least one of the answers above is NOT correct Getting things wrong is part of learning 1 point A hypothetical experiment is conducted on the effect of alcohol on perceptual motor ability Ten subjects are each tested twice once after having two drinks and once after having two glasses of water The two tests were on two different days to give the alcohol a chance to wear off Half of the subjects were given alcohol first and half were given water first The scores of the 10 subjects are shown below The top number for each subject is their performance in the water condition Higher scores reflect better performance Test to see if alcohol impaired test scores 5 6 7 8 9 Subject 1 2 3 Water 16 15 15 11 Alcohol 13 13 10 4 20 13 15 14 20 19 14 18 17 11 10 15 11 0 0044 A t value 2 9231 p value 0 0044 Hint test statistic Does alcohol had a significant effect using an 0 01 alpha level OA Yes B No OC Maybe Keep Working correct 10 16 16