0103 a mass of A particle having a 5 10 C The particle is
Last updated: 6/25/2023

0103 a mass of A particle having a 5 10 C The particle is given a of 10 ms in the presence of electric field kg carries a charge of an initial horizontal velocity E and magnetic field B To keep the particle moving in a horizontal direction it is necessary that B should be perpendicular to the direction of velocity and E should be along the direction of Both B and E should be along the direction of 2 velocity 3 Both B and E are mutually perpendicular and perpendicular to the direction of velocity B should be along the direction of velocity and E should be perpendicular to the direction of 4 velocity Which one of the following pairs of statements is possible a 1 and 3 c 2 and 3 b 3 and 4 d 2 and 4 AIPMT Mains