1 Calculate the volume of vector and PCR product that you
Last updated: 1/31/2024

1 Calculate the volume of vector and PCR product that you need for each of the reactions 2 Setup a reaction mixture of 20 L to perform the four ligation reactions Tube 1 Digested pUC19 or digested pBR322 without insert Tube 2 Digested pUC19 or digested pBR322 with insert Tube 1 I Reagents Digested pUC19 or digested pBR322 10X ligase buffer Digested GFP PCR amplicon insert Sterile water Ligase Tube 2 1 L 1 L Final Volume 20 L 20 L Note the values of the table will be calculated in class Question What role does each of the ligation reactions play ex control what type to control what sample 3 3 Transformation of competent E coli