
1 Escherichia coli carries out aerobic cellular respiration

Last updated: 5/18/2023

1 Escherichia coli carries out aerobic cellular respiration

1 Escherichia coli carries out aerobic cellular respiration in presence of oxygen but it can switch to fermentation when oxygen is absent To which category does it belong a Obligate aerobe b Aerotolerant anaerobe c Obligate anaerobe d Microaerophile e Facultative anaerobe 2 Concerning TB which statement is false a The causative agent of TB is Mycobacterium b Tubercles formed after infection can be detected by a chest x ray analysis c Tuberculin test can distinguish exposed patients to Mycobacterium from those immunized d The bacillus can be detected in sputum samples by an acid fast stain e Latent TB indicates asymptomatic infection 3 Broad spectrum antibiotics could adversely affect a competitive exclusion by the normal microbiota b transferrin that tightly binds iron C antimicrobial peptides lysozyme in mucous membranes mucociliary escalator