1 is the theory that all the kinds of living differences
Last updated: 4/4/2023

1 is the theory that all the kinds of living differences between them resulted from changes that happened over many life arose at least 3 5 billion years ago Over time they evolved into the millions of species or types living things alive today Evolution results from the process of natural selection Through natural selection species become adapted or better fit to their environments For instance a sand colored mice living in a sandy desert blends in with its surroundings Hawks will be more likely to see and eat mice of other colors Over time the mice of other colors will die out leaving only sand colored ones Let s take a look A population of mice lived in a desert with gray sand These drawings show how the populationchanged from time 1 to time 3 9000 ASW 1 2 bas nut ys Ho 3 Describe how the population of mice was different at time 3 compared to time 1 Explain what happened to cause this difference to sul 971dw w solm nobena Suppose the mice in drawing 3 had babies What color fur do you think most of the babies would have Explain your reasoning VS19 dziw sieci lub no