
1 Match the Vocabulary word with the definition below 18 pts

Last updated: 2/4/2023

1 Match the Vocabulary word with the definition below 18 pts

1 Match the Vocabulary word with the definition below 18 pts 1 Payroll Taxes V 2 FICA tax V 3 Taxes V 7 7 7 4 Tax Revenue 7 5 Property Taxes 6 Income Tax 7 Withholding 8 Internal Revenue Service 9 Medicare Tar a Federal Insurance Contribution Act that funds social security and Medicare b FICA tax Medicare tax federal income tax state income tax and other local taxes are all part of a specific tax c Government income that they get from taxes d This is money that is withheld from your paycheck by your employer and given to the government to use e The federal bureau that is in charge of collecting income tax and processing tax returns f You pay these taxes if you own a home boat car ATV etc g Taxes that you pay based on your salary hourly wage tips or interest h Payments to governments that are then used for public goods and services i A certain percentage is taken out of your income and is used to fund this program