
1 Part 1 of 2 1 92 points OPONCIATION Required information

Last updated: 9/20/2023

1 Part 1 of 2 1 92 points OPONCIATION Required information

1 Part 1 of 2 1 92 points OPONCIATION Required information Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below Required 1A Required 1B Required 2 Allocation of total cost Allocate the lump sum purchase price to the separate assets purchased Total cost of Acquisition Building Land Land improvements Vehicles Total Estimated Market Value 467 650 268 650 79 600 179 100 995 000 WATOTO www womplete Required 3 Percent of Total 0 X x X X X you have Apportioned Cost S 0 completed so far It does not indicate completion Return to question