
1 Visitors to the Monterey Bay Aquarium The Monterey Bay

Last updated: 11/19/2023

1 Visitors to the Monterey Bay Aquarium The Monterey Bay

1 Visitors to the Monterey Bay Aquarium The Monterey Bay Aquarium founded in 1984 is situated on the beautiful coast of Monterey Bay in the his toric Cannery Row district In 1985 the aquarium began a survey program that involved randomly sampling visitors as they exit for the day The survey in cluded visitor demographic information use of social media and opinions on their aquarium visit Here is a comparison of the age distribution of Hispanic and Caucasian visitors in 2015 AGEDIST Age Category 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 and over Caucasian 785 1413 1027 859 1255 Hispanic 586 938 594 180 160 a What percent of Caucasian visitors are in each age category What percent of Hispanic visitors are in each category Each column should add to 100 up to roundoff error These are the conditional distributions of age category given ethnic group b Make a bar graph that compares the two conditional distributions What are the most important differences in age between the two ethnic