1 Watch the video on Ocean Acidification 2 Examine the NOAA
Last updated: 3/4/2023

1 Watch the video on Ocean Acidification 2 Examine the NOAA Data Viewer for Ocean pH 3 Close the information window that opens in the center of the screen 4 Observe the change in pH on the map as you move the slider in the Ocean pH box from left to right 5 Use the data from global climate models and climate observations over time that relate to the effect of climate change on ocean acidification Aragonite is a name for calcium carbonate the substance that marine organisms make their skeletons and shells out of 1000 a Atmospheric CO Atmospheric CO atm 8 Surface saturation state 800 600 400 200 160 120 80 b Global Ocean pH c Southern Ocean Saturation Aragonite Saturation 2000 2020 8 1 7 9 7 7 2060 2080 2100 Surface pH Year Data Source IPCC Changes in global average surface pH and saturation state with respect to aragonite in the Southern Ocean under various climate model scenarios Time series of a atmospheric CO2 for the six illustrative SRES scenarios b projected global average surface pH and c projected average saturation state in the Southern Ocean from the BERN2 5D EMIC Plattner et al 2001 dentify and describe relationships within the lata sots including changes over time on