10 11 9 8 6 7 Hand Instruments Instrument used to remove
Last updated: 10/25/2023

10 11 9 8 6 7 Hand Instruments Instrument used to remove soft dentin and decay from the tooth Multifunctional instrument with the sharp point at the tip sensitive to distinguish areas of calculus or decay on the surface of the teeth This instrument measures the sulcus of pocket depth of the periodontium of each tooth Instrument used to carry place and retrieve small objects such as cotton pellets gauze and cotton roll instrument used for a variety of purposes indirect vision reflecting light onto a surface retraction of tongue and soft tissue such as lips and cheek This double ended instrument is designed to pack freshly mixed amalgam and carry it to the prepared tooth Instrument used to contour or remove excess material interproximally Chapter 34 with the dish and claw like end Instrument used to carve the restorative material on the occlusal surface material restorative material Instrument with smooth working end and used to smooth the surface of a preparation This instrument is also plugger used to pack down freshly placed amalgam into the H Instruments are designed specifically for the placement of composite restorative