
12 An ideal gas is taken through the cycle 19 Heat capacity

Last updated: 6/30/2023

12 An ideal gas is taken through the cycle 19 Heat capacity

12 An ideal gas is taken through the cycle 19 Heat capacity Cy of an ideal gas is X K mole K To rise its temperature from298 K to 318 K heat to be supplied per 10g gas will be B C A as shown in figure If net A heat supplied to the gas in the VA in KJ MW 16 cycle is5J the 1 16X work done by the 3 32 X gas in the process 1 27K Cal 3 33K Cal C N 5 JE 15 For an ideal gas av 2 10J E H and heat capacities AH 13 Latent heat of vapourisation of a liquid at 500 K and latm pressure is 10K Cal mole What is the change is internal energy when 3 mole n liquid vapourised at the same temperature 7 HINT AHAE AnRT 2 7K Cal 4 25K Cal 202 3 15J 11 10 P N m 4 20J 14 The molar heat capacity of water at constant pressure C is 75 JK mol When 1 OKJ of heat is supplied to 100g of water which is free to expand the increase in temperature of water is 1 1 2K 2 2 4K 3 4 8K 4 6 6K is 22 Which one of the following is not a state function DAH 2 AS 3 S 4 W 23 A gas absorbs 250 J of heat and expands from 1 litre EDUCATION Me to 10 litre at constant temperature against 1 zero 4 AH 16 For a gas having molar mass M specific heat at constant pressure can be given as M 1 YR M Y 1 17 Molar heat capacity of water in equilibrium Y 3 RM R Y 1 with the ice at constant pressure is 4 YRM Y I 1 Zero 3 40 45 KJK mol 18 Heat capacity of water is 18 cal degree mol The quantity of heat needed to rise tempera ture of 18g water by 0 2 C is X cal Then amount of CH4 to be burnt to produce X cal heat is 2 Infinity 0 4 5 48 JK mol 2 6 25X an 12 20 Change in enthalpy when 11 2 dm of He at NTP is heated in a cylinder to 100 C is assume ideal behaviour Hint AH nCAT for mono atomic gas Cp 5 2R 1 623 5J 3 1227J CH 20 CO 2H O AH 200K Cal 1 1 8 x 10 mol 2 3 6 x 105 mol 3 0 0288 g 4 0 288 mg 21 In which of the following conditions increase in internal energy AE 0 is maximum 7 1 q 500J W 200J 2 q 400J W 200 4 q 400J W 1001 3 q 500J W 200J 2 1039 25J 4 520J external pressure of 0 5 atm The values of q w and AE will be respectively 1 250J 455J and 710J 2 250J 455J and 205J 3 2501 455J and 205J 4 250J 455J and 205J Heat of formation and combustion 24 Heat of combustion of C H is 337 K Cal If 5 6 lit O is used at STP in the combustion heat liberated is K Cal 1 28 08 3 42 06 1 650g 3 327g 2 14 04 4 56 16 25 Human body requires 2370 K Cal of energy daily The heat of combustion of glucose is 790 K cal mole The amount of glucose required for daily consumption is 2 540 4 490 5