12 Antibod make pathogens more susceptible to phagocytosis
Last updated: 5/18/2023

12 Antibod make pathogens more susceptible to phagocytosis specifically they help in the step of a Chemotaxis b Recognition and attachment c Engulfment d Phagosome maturation e Digestion and exocytosis 13 Urban living rodents and programs combined with the use of antimicrobials have almost eliminated plague in US caused by Yersinia pestis a kissing bug betick c flea d mosquito e mite control 14 Fluoroquinolones like ciprofloxacin prevent replication of DNA in bacterial cells by targeting the enzyme that removes supercoiling of DNA a DNA helicase b DNA ligase c DNA polymerase d DNA gyrase e DNA primase 15 Lysozyme in tears or mucous membranes targets which structure s in bacterial cells bo a Pili b Capsule C Flagella d Plasma membrane and E Peptidoglyoon