12 How many FUs can be drained for a 10 horizontal branch
Last updated: 11/13/2023

12 How many FUs can be drained for a 10 horizontal branch with a grade of 0 25 a Unlimited b 2500 c None d 2499 13 The maximum number of WCs that may be wet vented is a 1 b 2 3 d Unlimited 14 The maximum size of fixture drain with the exception of floor drains that may connect to a wet vent is a 1 b 3 c 1 d 2 15 A separately vented fixture s hydraulic load must be taken into account when sizing the continuous vent in a wet vented group a True b False c Sometimes d A and c 16 The length of a wet vent is limited to a One pipe diameter of fall b 1 2m c There is no limit d 2 5m 17 A wet vent extending through more than one storey may accept a maximum of how many fixtures units per storey on any storey above the first a 4 b 3 51 2