12 Huygens principle of secondary wavelets may not be used
Last updated: 6/24/2023

12 Huygens principle of secondary wavelets may not be used to 1 Find the new position of a wavefront 2 Explain Snell s law 3 Explain laws of reflection 4 Explain particle behaviour of light 13 It is found that when waves from two identical coherent sources superpose at certain point with same individual intensity then the resultant intensity is equal to the intensity of one wave only This means that phase difference between the two waves at that point is 1 Zero 3 27 3 14 Two slits are separated by a distance of 1 mm are illuminated with red light of wavelength 6 5 x 10 7 metre The interference fringes are observed on a screen placed 1 metre away from the slits The distance between 3rd dark fringe and fifth bright fringe is equal to 1 0 65 mm 3 3 23 m 3 2 1 63 mm 4 4 68 mm 15 When a thin transparent plate of thickness t and refractive index u is placed in the path of one of 2 T 3 4 1 t 2 1 t 4 ut 16 The minimum thickness of a soap bubble film u 1 33 that results in constructive interference in the reflected light if the film is illuminated with light whose wavelength in free space is 600 nm is 1 112 50 nm 3 400 nm 1 0 36 3 0 72 two interfering beam of light the centestioner between two waves at the position central is 1 1 t 2 225 26 nm 4 176 5 nm 17 The light of wavelength 6328A is incident on a slit of width 0 2 mm perpendicularly the angular fringe width of central maxima will be 2 0 18 4 0 09 1 18 The diameter of the objective of a telescope is a its magnifying power is m and wavelength of light is A The resolving power of the telescope is 1 22 a Am 1 22a 3 19 A beam of unpolarised light passes through a tourmaline crystal A and then it passes through a second tourmaline crystal B oriented so that its principal is parallel to that of A The intensity of the emergent light is Now B is rotated by 45 about the ray The emergent light have intensity 1 1 1 202 3 9 2 4 2 2 3 20 In Young s double slit experiment interference pattern is found to have an intensity ratio between bright and dark fringes as 9 Then amplitude ratio of the wave reaching the screen from two sources is 3 a 1 22 a 1 22 m A beam of monochromatic green light is diffracted by a slit of width 0 550mm The diffraction pattern forms on a wall 2 06m beyond the slit The distance between the positions of zero intensity on both sides of central bright fringe is 4 10mm Wavelength of the light used is 1 400mm 2 525mm 4 547mm 3 642mm 22 A soap bubble 250nm thick is illuminated by white light The index of refraction of the soap bubble is 1 36 Which wavelength is missing in range of visible light for reflected rays 1 300mm 3 400mm 2 2 4 3 23 Maximum distance from diffraction slit of slit width a upto which ray optics holds for wavelength is 2 600mm 4 680nm N E