13 Air dry the pellets for 10 min to evaporate remaining
Last updated: 8/27/2023

13 Air dry the pellets for 10 min to evaporate remaining isopropanol 14 Add 400 L of ethanol to each tube the air dried pellets 15 Mix by inverting the tubes several times and leave at room temperature for 3 min 16 Place the tubes in a balanced microcentrifuge and spin for 5 min at 14 000 rpms Align tubes in the rotor with the cap hinges pointing outward Nucleic acids will collect on the tube side under the hinge during centrifugation 17 Carefully pour off the supernatant from each tube and then completely remove the remaining liquid with a micropipette set at 100 L 18 Air dry the pellets for 10 min to evaporate remaining ethanol 19 Add 100 L of TE RNase A buffer to each tube Dissolve the nucleic acid pellet by pipetting in and out Take care to wash down the side of the tube underneath the hinge where the pellet formed during centrifugation 20 Incubate TE RNAse A buffer and DNA mixture at room temperature for 5 min 21 Microcentrifuge the tubes for 1 min at 12 000 rpms to pellet any material that did not go into the solution 22 DNA may be used immediately or stored at 20 C until you are ready to continue with the amplification of the DNA Keep the DNA on ice as you proceed Edward s Buffer dH O 1 M Tris pH 8 0 5 M NaCl 0 5 M EDTA 10 SDS TE RNAse A Buffer dH O 0 01 M Tris pH 8 0 2 mM EDTA RNase A dissolved in glacial acetic