
16 A person with a cardiac output of 2 Liters per minute

Last updated: 10/4/2023

16 A person with a cardiac output of 2 Liters per minute

16 A person with a cardiac output of 2 Liters per minute would most likely suffer A Septic B Anaphylactic C Cardiogenic D Neurogenic E Psychogenic 17 A person with a blood volume of 3 Liters would most likely suffer A Septic B Hypovolemic C Cardiogenic D Neurogenic E Psychogenic 18 The vasoconstrictor center acts though the A Somatic B Sympathetic C Parasympathetic D Neither nervous system E None of the above 19 Normally the intact endothelium produces A Endothelin Von Willebrand platelet aggregation B Prostacyclin Nitric Oxide platelet aggr gation C Thrombomodulin heparin platelet aggregation D Angiotensinogen Angiotensin platelet aggregation nervous system and shock which inhibit shock