
2 How is the human body organized 3 Understand the different

Last updated: 1/25/2023

2 How is the human body organized 3 Understand the different

2 How is the human body organized 3 Understand the different directions planes abdominal regions and quadrants and cavities in the human body Know the location of visceral organs found in the abdominal pelvic quadrants 4 Know the names of the different systems in the body the main and accessory organs and function s of each system 5 What is homeostasis 6 What is Negative Feedback and Positive Feedback how do the parameters numbers change in both Know physiological examples of each of the mechanisms 7 Know the different parts of homeostasis receptor effector control center and the function of each component using physiological examples 8 Name the 4 basic types of tissues and where are each is found in the body