2 Now that you have examined actual fern spores by viewing
Last updated: 5/15/2023

2 Now that you have examined actual fern spores by viewing their surfaces imagine cutting a fern spore in half right through the middle i e a median cross section Then if you examined the cut portion of the spore with the compound microscope what structures would you see Indicate from the following list which components are part of an adult ungerminated spore Place an X in the yes column if the component is part of a spore Place an X in the No column if the component is not part of a spore Then for each item you selected as a spore component list its function 3 pts Spore component Yes No Function if part of a spore Cell membrane Cytoplasm Embryo Gamete Lignin Nucleus Plasmodesmata Chloroplasts Primary cell wall Secondary cell wall Sporangium Spore wall Sporocyte Tetrad Vacuole 2 3