2 Which bacterium is larger Bacillus megaterium QUESTIONS 1
Last updated: 6/23/2023

2 Which bacterium is larger Bacillus megaterium QUESTIONS 1 Of what value is a simple stain A Simple Stain is a dye utilized to Stain the cells which will help us to visualize cell shapes and structures 2 What is the purpose of heat fixing the smear The bacteria will be killed by heat staining and will stick to the slide This aids in the proper absorption of the stair resulting in proper visibility under the microscope 3 Another method of fixing smears is to use methanol instead of heat How does alcohol chemically fix the bacteria Methanol is used to adhere the specimen to the Spide Fixing the specimen will keep it from being washed away while staining Using methanol to Fix the liquid Specimen will prevent it from being washed away 4 In heat fixing what would happen if too much heat were applied during Staining It is an effective way reparin discolored hea 7 The marphology of the specimen may alter if too much heat than us is given to it and the specimen may become rapidily CRITICAL THINKING 1 Methylene blue can be prepared as a basic stain or an acidic stain How would the pH of the stain affect the staining of bacteria The pH will determine whether or not the bacteria will have a specific charge 2 Can dyes other than methylene blue be used for direct staining Briefly explain