26 29 Wind is mane 30 a Wind V Jaa will be p 1 3j 28 9 is
Last updated: 6/21/2023

26 29 Wind is mane 30 a Wind V Jaa will be p 1 3j 28 9 is blowing 34 9 20m s The time blowing a 50cm with scunning after towards cast is velocity V towards nor towards north with acceleration neleich man will feel the 32 V a A vector p of magnitude dacting in x y plane 13 cu vectors p an angle with b 35 body is thrown vertically up with some finca ned Point Pin its path at 7 45 and at 68 the velocity of presjection of body will be b 50m s c lom s c 40m s velocity att 0 and agam crosses a 9 Jau Jau d ov a a rising vertically feed packet after Tom s Lit two bodies one held lacom directly released simultaneously from the large height both fall freely from above the other are and the separation que thee gravity the bodies just after b 100cm d 120cm d b 12m s A Person Sitting velocity throws a 9 80cm A Food Packets is released frem a 8 making helicopter which is at 2 m 3 the magnitude of velocity of as will be 9 lom s c 18 m s 9 5m s d Car moving at Constant in an open ball vertically up into aire The bels the hand water