3 You are reading a surgeon s operative report During the
Last updated: 8/16/2023

3 You are reading a surgeon s operative report During the surgery she made several incisions Your job is to read her operative report and determine where the incisions were made Draw and label the incisions on Figure 1 20 a The first incision was made in the left posterior scapular region 3 cm inferior to the acromial region and 2 cm lateral to the axillary region The cut extended horizontally in a medial direction ending 2 cm lateral to the vertebral region b The second incision began in the anterior umbilical region It extended vertically in a superior direction ending 2 cm inferior to the sternal region Here the cut turned and extended horizontally in a left lateral direction for 4 cm C The third incision was made in the left posterior medial sural region 2 cm distal to the popliteal region The cut extended in a distal direction to 2 cm proximal to the tarsal region HEN