4 A round steel bin is filled with wheat at 17 1 m c w b The
Last updated: 11/17/2023

4 A round steel bin is filled with wheat at 17 1 m c w b The bin has a diameter of 7 31 m 24 ft and is filled to a depth of 3 0 m 10 ft a Calculate the lateral pressures at the base of the bin wall when the wheat is at 17 1 and 11 0 moisture Estimate density using the appropriate formula chap 2 Assume the depth will remain the same after drying Determine the percent increase in pressure for the 11 0 m c wheat compared to the wheat that is at 17 1 m c b The bin is unloaded through a square orifice 20 3 cm x 20 3 cm 8 in x 8 in located on the side of the bottom of the bin i e it will be a vertical orifice Assume the flow rate will be constant during unloading Estimate the rate at which grain flows from the bin and the total time required to unload the bin c The wheat is conveyed away from the orifice on a flat no slope on the sides horizontal belt conveyor moving at 15 2 m s 50 ft s Using the angle of repose neglect the effects of inertia by assuming the wheat is piled on a non moving belt estimate the minimum width required for the belt I Hint for c The belt should be capable of carrying of grain from the unloading rate calculated by question b The shape of the particles on the belt is triangular prism h e The volumetric flow rate of particles on the belt can be calculated from the cross sectional area given by the above figure and belt moving speed u V u A