4 OBJECTIVES 2 What is the difference between homologous
Last updated: 4/11/2023

4 OBJECTIVES 2 What is the difference between homologous chromosomes Step 3 and sister chromatids Step 6 in activity 1 3 What region of the onion root tip has highly mitotically active cells 4 Why do sex cells contain half the number of chromosomes daughter cell Explain the roles of DNA Define the terms chromosome gametes homologous chromosomes centromere diploid and haploid Differentiate mitosis from meiosis and describe the type of cells where these processes take place Describe and identify the phases of mitosis and meiosis Understand how the process of cross over results in genetic variation of offspring INTRODUCTION In modern biology our understanding of a cell as the basic building block of life is outlined by the Cell Theory which was established by Schleiden and Schwann in 1838 The Cell Theory states 1 All living organisms are composed of one or more cells 2 Cells are the basic building blocks of all life 3 All cells are descended from a preexisting cell