4 unit photo electric current is flowing the distance
Last updated: 6/3/2023

4 unit photo electric current is flowing the distance between source and cathode is 4 unit Now distance between source and cathode becomes 1 unit What will be photo electric current now The wavelength of photons in two cases are 4000 and 3600 A respectively what is difference in stopping potential for these two Andr 23 Threshold frequency of a surface is v It is illuminated by 3 v frequency then maximum speed of photo electrons is V m sec What will be maximum speed if incident frequency is 9 v When incident wavelength is stopping potential is 3 V If incident wavelength is 22 then stopping potentia is V Find out threshold wavelength in terms of 2 A light beam of power 1 5 mW and 400 nm wavelength incid hen find out obtained photo