40102b 55 40102c 53 40102d 48 83 ec 28 401031 48 89 e6
Last updated: 7/27/2023

40102b 55 40102c 53 40102d 48 83 ec 28 401031 48 89 e6 401034 e8 e3 03 00 00 read six numbers 401039 83 3c 24 01 push push sub mov callq cmpl rbp rbx 0x28 rsp rsp rsi 40141c 0x1 rsp Additionally here is partial register states of the CPU before the callq instruction rip 0x401034 rdi 0x100 Zrbx Ox101 rax 0x102 rcx 0x103 a Suppose we now execute the command stepi What are the values stored in the registers rip rdi rbx rax and rex Report N A if a state is unknown