
42 A B C s f rdan ve birbirinden farkl rakam olmak zere

Last updated: 12/12/2023

42 A B C s f rdan ve birbirinden farkl rakam olmak zere

42 A B C s f rdan ve birbirinden farkl rakam olmak zere sadece A B ve C rakamlar ile olu turulan rakamlar birbirinden farkl t m basamakl do al say lar n toplam 3552 dir Buna g re A B C toplam ka t r The sum of all three digit natural numbers whose numbers are different from each other consisting of only the numbers A B and C with A B C being three digits that are nonzero and different from each other is 3552 So what is the sum of A B C A 12 B 14 C 16 D 18 E 20