
46 The article Effects Short Term warming on High Latitude

Last updated: 9/4/2023

46 The article Effects Short Term warming on High Latitude

46 The article Effects Short Term warming on High Latitude Forest Ant Communities Ecoshpere May 2011 Article 62 described an experiment in which observations on various characteristics were made using minichambers of three different types 1 cooler PVC frames covered with shade cloth 2 control PVC frames only and 3 warmer PVC frames covered with plastic One of the article s authors kindly supplied the accompany ing data on the difference between air and soil temperatures C Cooler 1 59 1 43 1 88 1 26 1 91 1 86 1 90 1 57 1 79 1 72 2 41 2 34 0 83 1 34 1 76 Control 1 92 2 00 2 19 1 12 1 78 1 84 2 45 2 03 1 52 0 53 1 90 Warmer 2 57 2 60 1 93 1 58 2 30 0 84 2 65 0 12 2 74 2 53 2 13 2 86 2 31 1 91 a Compare measures of center for the three different samples b Calculate interpret and compare the standard devia tions for the three different samples c Do the fourth spreads for the three samples convey the same message as do the standard deviations about relative variability and d Construct a comparative boxplot which was includ ed in the cited article and comment on any interest ing features