4x Classify each of these strategies under the appropriate
Last updated: 4/11/2023

4x Classify each of these strategies under the appropriate heading Then think about taking action and trying these out yourself We have all heard those three words Reduce Reuse and Recycle Whether the concern is with the rapidly changing landscape pollution of the Earth depletion of resources or global climate change the are steps we can ALL take to reduce the environmental impact of our existence Reduce Reuse Recycle While shopping if you only buy a few products skip the shopping bag For larger purchases bring your own Dump and Run is a nonprofit organization that organizes the collection of college students castoff items in the spring so they can be sold to incoming students in the fall Wherever possible replace disposable products with reusable ones ink cartridges coffee filters batteries etc Start a compost pile with yard trimmings and food scraps Think before you buy any product Do you REALLY need it