5 8 The energy of a photon varies 3 inversely with frequency
Last updated: 4/26/2023

5 8 The energy of a photon varies 3 inversely with frequency 4 inversely with the square of frequency Proof Use the equation and a graph or a sample calculation 6 Which is a proper algebraic expression for the wavelength of a photon Proof Explain 1 directly with wavelength 2 directly with frequency he E phon Proof Show algebraic solution of Explain 1 hcE phon 2 1 red 2 yellow 3 4 7 Which of the photons given would have the greatest energy 1 polarization 2 diffraction Ephoto he hE photon 3 green 4 blue Which phenomenon can only be explained by assuming that light is quantized 3 interference 4 photoelectric effect 9 Experiments performed with light indicate that light exhibits particle properties only 1 2 wave properties only 3 4 neither particle nor wave properties both particle and wave properties Proof Give examples and explain 10 A tritium nucleus is formed by combining two neutrons and a proton The mass of this nucleus is 9 106 x 10 universal mass units less than the combined mass of the particles from which it is formed Approximately how much energy is released when this nucleus is formed 3 8 48 Mev 4 273 MeV Proof Calculation 1 8 48 x 102 MeV 2 2 73 MeV 11 Compared to the wavelength of the photon before the collision the wavelength of the photon after the collision is Before Collision Incident High energy Photon Electron in an Atom 1 shorter 2 longer 3 the same Proof Explain using the photon equation and or sample calculations F