519 quizzes 3952903 take on 6 following passage and the
Last updated: 3/20/2023

519 quizzes 3952903 take on 6 following passage and the information about its source This the same passage as in the pre cide whether the student sample is plagiarized or uses the source correctly If the student sa ed select Plagiarized if the sample is acceptable select Okay AL SOURCE WORDING versations in the James Fenimore Cooper books have a curious sound in our modern ears To y ever came out of people s mouths would be to believe that there was a time when time wa ho thought he had something to say when it was the custom to spread a two minute remar houth was a rolling mill and busied itself all day long in turning four foot pigs of thought into sational railroad iron by attenuation when subjects were seldom faithfully stuck to but the nd arrived nowhere when conversations consisted mainly of irrelevancies with here and the with an embarrassed look as not being able to explain how it got there ark Fenimore Cooper s Literary Offenses Selected Shorter Writings of Mark Twain Edited b h 1962 pp 227 38 dent wrote this r states that to people today the way James Fenimore Cooper s characters talked is really s t about time must have been very different if people ever conversed the way Cooper s cha