54 55 In Australia the traditional food of Indigenous people
Last updated: 1/17/2024

54 55 In Australia the traditional food of Indigenous people is known as bush tucker Most famous is the witchetty grub which is a rich source of protein for communities living off the land Witchetty grubs are large moth larvae up to 12cm long that are found in the roots of the witchetty bush They taste like almonds when eaten raw and when cooked by rolling them in hot ashes they taste like a fried egg In the islands of Fiji duruka a delicious vegetable which looks like asparagus is an important part of the traditional diet It s found inside the stem of a long grassy plant similar to sugarcane and is sold in bundles The young unopened flower heads are very sweet Some say it tastes like sweetcorn It s eaten raw roasted on an open 56 Read the following article In sentences 54 60 fill in one or two words which you will find in the article The statements are not in the same order as the article 57 58 Oceania in the southern half of the Pacific Ocean is made up of 14 countries and several overseas territories or dependencies such as American Samoa and French Polynesia It s divided into four regions Australasia and the island groups of Melanesia Micronesia and Polynesia which are made up of over 10 000 islands There is a large variety of traditional food across Oceania some of it very strange The many Because of the way they are These regions are Duruka fuits Here the The flower is eaten The fruit s taste depends on the way it is served when fire or cooked in coconut cream This is one food that tourists are sure to enjoy Tahitian noni fruit grows wild on trees throughout Tahiti It looks like a potato with a pebbly surface and is yellowish greenish white in colour It has an extremely unpleasant cheese like smell Unripe noni is tough and is best cooked in stir fries or curries When ripe noni can be eaten raw However it s usually consumed in juice form mixed with other juices to mask the taste Noni fruit juice is sold in health food shops around the world because of its many health benefits as confirmed by medical research scientists have confirmed are the reason this fruit is so popular two words A traditional food from Samoa known as S ee consists of raw sea cucumber guts that is intestines in salted water yes sea cucumbers are animals not plants S ee comes in bottles and is sold in local fish markets or along the roadside in recycled Coca Cola bottles Sea cucumbers called rori in Tahiti belong to the family of echinoderms like starfish and sea urchins and are shaped like cucumbers S ee is supposed to be very healthy too However because it s slimy and looks like a bottle of water full of tapeworms it s probably one that tourists will skip these animals are named after a vegetable one word of thousands of separate islands two words The region includes several countries as well as various it reminds one of a kind of nut one word people have a proper English name for their cuisine one word and is known for its sweetness one word