6 A nutritionist believes that having each player take a
Last updated: 4/27/2023

6 A nutritionist believes that having each player take a vitamin pill before a game enhances the performance of the football team During the course of one season each player takes a vitamin pill before each game and the team achieves a winning season for the first time in several years Is this an experiment or an observational study A An experiment but with no reasonable conclusion possible about cause and effect B An experiment thus making cause and effect a reasonable conclusion C An observational study because there was no use of a control group D An observational study but a poorly designed one because randomization was not used E An observational study thus allowing a reasonable conclusion of association but not of cause and effect 7 Researchers were interested to know whether internal vehicle temperatures vary by outside temperatures To evaluate this temperature rise was measured continuously over a 60 minute period in a dark sedan on 16 different clear sunny days with outside temperatures ranging from 72 F to 96 F the researchers method of analysis is best described as Pearson s test prep pg 67 3 A a census B a survey C an observational study D a randomized comparative experiment El a single blind randomized comport xperiment