6 How does the Transtheoretical Model describe a person s
Last updated: 6/18/2023

6 How does the Transtheoretical Model describe a person s movement through the Stages of Change O O 7 What is one way you can avoid imposing your expectations onto clients which could hinder the person s ability to benefit from treatment Consider how your own culturally based beliefs and values impact treatment Ask clients to tell you when they feel you are being culturally insensitive Treat all clients with the same approach regardless of their culture Only work with clients whose cultural variables match yours OO Moving in a fixed linear order Unlikely to return to previously addressed stages Frequently returning to prior stages Rarely moving past the preparation stage O 8 Why does the relapse prevention model emphasize the concept of a lapse O Because lapses tend to be more self destructive than relapses O Because intervening early when a lapse occurs can prevent a full blown relapse Because there is evidence to support the concept of a lapse but not relapse Because lapses tend not to affect the person s overall self esteem M