7 The Texas Legislature meets for how many days A 100 B 120
Last updated: 5/19/2023

7 The Texas Legislature meets for how many days A 100 B 120 C 130 D 140 8 What is the ability to send mail free of charge by being an incumbent A Farding B Franking C Minting D Baking 9 What is composed of both House and Senate Members to reconcile a bills to be sent back to each chamber for approval prior to be signed by the Governor President in notes was an error A Standing Committee B Joint Committee C Conference Committee D Rules Committee 10 The Governor can call an unlimited number of these to force a bill through 30 days long only discuss one subject A Local Session B Special Session C Martial Law D Regular Session 11 What a tactic used by members of the Senate to prevent action on legislation they oppose by continuously holding the floor and speaking until the majority backs down A Filibuster B Franking C Cloture D Pork 12 What the power of the executive to veto specific provisions lines of an appropriations bill passed by the legislature A Petition B Logrolling C Line Item Veto D Strong Veto 13 The term for the issue created by government agencies that always spend the entire budget to get a larger budget next period thus creating the need for more taxes in class only A Calendar paradox B Budget paradox o norador