784 high risk individuals were referred to a lab and tried a
Last updated: 10/5/2023

784 high risk individuals were referred to a lab and tried a new and simple screening for colon cancer To assess the validity of this new screening test all of these individuals also received a diagnostic test for colon cancer a colonoscopy Exactly half of these individuals found through the diagnostic test that they truly have colon cancer However according to the new screening 387 people screened positive for colon cancer The specificity of the new screening is 96 or 0 96 Remember Specificity true negatives from screening all who are actually diagnosed negative Fill in the table and assess the validity of the new colon cancer screening questions 8a f In the table fill in the blank cells and the cells that have a highlighted label Start with the information you know from the problem setup which are the labelled cells that also have asterisks and work from there Screening Screening Diagnostic test total diagnostic test Diagnostic test total diagnostic test 8a number of true positives 8b number of false positives 8c number of false negatives 8d number of true negatives 8e sensitivity of the new screening tect exproccod total screened total screened ww total in study 784