9 6 when current passes through it if average The resistance
Last updated: 6/11/2023

9 6 when current passes through it if average The resistance of nichrome becomes 85 8 Nichrome has resistance of 75 3 2 at 30 C of nichrome now is 1 700 C 2 750 C 3 850 C 4 900 C 10 The incorrect statement among the following statements is NCERT Pg 111 1 Emf of a cell is the potential difference between its positive and negative electrodes in an open circuit 2 Internal resistance of dry cells is much higher than common electrolyte cells 3 The terminal potential difference of can be zero 4 When current passes from 11 When a current of its negative to pr difference ar A is flowir a poter batt NCERT Pg 105 negative terminal of a terminal potential its emf ference free 7 diffe validity of Kirchhoff s or reorienting the wire does not Energy law Junction rule is based on conservation total potential change must be zero point if we come back to same point