
A An airline company claims in a recent Advertiseme that

Last updated: 8/23/2023

A An airline company claims in a recent Advertiseme that

A An airline company claims in a recent Advertiseme that more than 94 of passenger bluggage that is lo is recovered and reUnited with the customer with Iday Hunter is a graduate student stucking statistics For each research project Hunter wants to find out whether there is convincing evidence in Suppat of the Chuline company s clawn He randomly selects 315 passery of the atvire whose luggage was last by the Jorline and found that 276 of these passengers were reunited with their luggage within Idday Are All of the conditions for this hypotheus testmet and if so what are the Null and alternative hypothvas for this happothesis text Although the proportion follows a binonical model with he independent outrons and the data are Selected at random the number of successes and the number of farkas Are not both greater than or equal to 5 Although the proportion follows A binemial model with two independant outcomes and the number of successes And the Number of failures are both greater than of Equal to a the Jith are not Selected Athindon AVL 3 Although the latha Selected At Condom And the Dember of successes and the number of failures are both greater than or equal to 5 the proportion does not follow Abvenal All conditions to conduct the hypothesestest Have ben met matel H P 0 94 The Null And Alternative happenfesas Are 7 Ha P 094