
A cylindrical vessel of area of cross section A and filled

Last updated: 6/9/2023

A cylindrical vessel of area of cross section A and filled

A cylindrical vessel of area of cross section A and filled with liquid to a height hi has a capillary tube of length 1 and radius r protruding horizontally at its bottom If the viscosity of liquid is n density p and g 9 8 m s the time in which the level of water falls to he is lAInwhere k is pg h A spherical ball of radius 1 104 mand density 104 kg m falls freely under gravity through a distance h before entering a tank of water If after entering the water the velocity of the ball does not change the value of his m the viscosity of water is 9 8 106 Ns m A sphere of radius 0 1m and mass 8 kg is attached to the lower end of a steel wire of length 5m and diameter 10 m The wire is suspended from 5 22m high ceiling of the room When the sphere is made to swing as a simple pendulum it just grazes the floor at its lowest point The velocity of the sphere at the lowest position is