A dividend reinvestment plan DRIP investment portfolio B C
Last updated: 2/23/2023

A dividend reinvestment plan DRIP investment portfolio B C risk tolerance D OTC market E F dollar cost averaging G Treasury bill H proxy money market mutual fund I J K L M N O bond yield stock capital gain bull market rate of return securities 1 Amount of uncertainty a person is willing to handle 2 Strategy of investing a fixed dollar amount at regular intervals 3 Allows investors to reinvest cash dividends by purchasing additional shares of stock 4 Collection of the investments a person has made 5 Amount of money earned on an investment usually expressed as an annual percentage 6 Stockholder s written authorization to have someone cast a vote on his or her behalf 7 Share in the ownership of a corporation 8 Virtual markets where stockbrokers conduct business through an electronic network computers and telephones 9 Certificate of debt issued by a corporation or government 10 Fund that deals only in interest paying short term investments such as certificates deposit and commercial paper 11 Short term debt with maturity ranging from a few days to 52 weeks 12 Extended period of rising stock prices