A Edit the following sentences to eliminate distracting
Last updated: 2/21/2023

A Edit the following sentences to eliminate distracting pronoun shifts If a sentence is cor rect mark it OK Example 1 A slave who learned to read and write gained self confidence so they were harder to oversee than illiterate slaves 2 3 Frederick Douglass was born a slave but he was lucky because his owner s wife did not her I know that it was against the law for you to teach a slave to read and write 10 A hird in boyare covale od 10 180M Douglass used a simple but dangerous method of escape he sailed from Baltimore to New York as a working sailor Iasily 857 Frysle at nolflenggo basesvale borren A listener could not learn anything about escape routes from Douglass s stories because Douglass told them nothing that would endanger other fugitives 5 Momalovas 4 When he had learned enough to study on his own the slave Frederick Douglass did so he used what he had learned to escape from his owner The master had told his slaves that all escape routes were blocked and that you would have no chance whatever at success Manzan B Edit the following sentences to eliminate distracting shifts in verb tense If a sentence is esvale muoy singions of Nov correct mark it OK Example describesloos 1 Douglass s narrative tells about his own life as a child and described his torturous beatings orld olizon Bovin putel by a professional slave breaker 9931 03 aard Jibojo Since agr INO 6 Douglass had few ties to his mother and never meets his father vog suo on ylen 7 Even when Douglass worked out for his master his master got his wages ebol de 8 His master sometimes allowed him to keep one percent six cents out of six dollars the master thought the money would encourage Douglass to work harder 9 Douglass escapes by pretending to be someone else he borrowed the identification papers of a freed black sailor Frederick Douglass used several different names as he escaped slavery an abolition