
a Family Budget Analyzing One way to present a budget is in

Last updated: 5/9/2023

a Family Budget Analyzing One way to present a budget is in

a Family Budget Analyzing One way to present a budget is in a circle graph You can see at a glance which categories take the greatest part of the family s resources You can also work backward from a circle graph to figure out exactly how much money is in each category Use the circle graph to complete the table for the Baker family s monthly budget Their net monthly income is 4 000 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 Enter the income in the table Enter the percent or amount of money for each category from the circle graph in the table Calculate the amount of money or the percent for each category in the table Food Determine which expenses are fixed and which are variable Place X s in the appropriate columns Complete the Amount Available column Net monthly income Housing cost Savings Net monthly income income the family has after ta Item Clothing Medical Entertainment Transportation Emergency fund Amount Percent 96 Baker Family s Monthly Budget Emergency fund 3 Transportation car expense bus passes 400 Medical insurance and additional expenses 600 Clothing 8 Entertainment Variable Fixed Expense Expense Savings 320 Amount Available Housing cost house payment and Insurance 1 400 Food 15