
A local road was designed to handle a daily mean of 179 cars

Last updated: 4/25/2023

A local road was designed to handle a daily mean of 179 cars

A local road was designed to handle a daily mean of 179 cars The local city it getting more traffic than it was designed to handle A recent sample of 50 days found a sample mean of 186 cars per day and a sample standard deviation of 30 8 mph We will perfrom a hypothesis test to determine if this is strong evidence that the mean number of daily cars is more than the road was designed to handle Define your variable Let u be the mean number of cars that use the road on a daily basis Let p be the proportion of cars that use the road Let p be the proprotion of cars in the sample that use the road Let u be the mean number of of cars that use the road on the sampled days Write your hypotheses Ho 8 HA B Find the P value Type your answer as a decimial rounded to three decimal places Do not type a percentage or a percent sign P value Using an a level of 5 you should Accept Ho Reject Ho and Accept HA Fail to Reject Ho State your conclusions