A long plank of mass M rests upon a smooth horizontal
Last updated: 6/7/2023

A long plank of mass M rests upon a smooth horizontal surface A thin circular ring m R slips without rotation upon the plank The coefficient of friction between the wheel and plank is At t t s the ring s slipping ceases and pure rolling starts upon the plank 63 Find the value of t VM m 2M g 1 2m M m M m M 1 Vo puta Javo 0 0 V M 3 2 m M g art 64 Find the velocity of centre of wheel at t ts M a beage slugns 2 se 4 2 v M m M g 2v M m 2M g Vo 4 Vo m 2M m M do bigh sil ni sloining nove sopie 2m M YOA OM