a minimum of 100 words After you respond to the prompt view
Last updated: 5/16/2023

a minimum of 100 words After you respond to the prompt view and respond to at least two classmates posts in a minimum of 50 words each Please note You must respond to the prompt before being about to view other student s posts Although there are no right or wrong answers and the discussion board is scored on participation please make contributions of substance in order to gain the most from the discussion Understanding Self Concept Select three of the following items and provide answers to them Then respond to the questions afterward Note Only include what you are comfortable sharing with the class I am happiest when I love to I hate to I desire to I desire not to I am most proud of I most fear I am most comforted by I enjoy I am most relaxed when I most value I am most passionate about I am most driven by I am most saddened by I am most excited by I am most frustrated when Would you have answered these questions similarly one year ago Five years ago How have your